!> !> @file colloc.f90 !> !> @brief !> !> @copyright !> Copyright (©) 2021 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) !> SPC (Swiss Plasma Center) !> !> SPClibs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under !> the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free !> Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) !> any later version. !> !> SPClibs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY !> WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS !> FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. !> !> You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License !> along with this program. If not, see . !> !> @author !> (in alphabetical order) !> @author Trach-Minh Tran !> subroutine colloc ( aleft, aright, lbegin, iorder, ntimes, addbrk, & relerr ) !************************************************************************* ! !! COLLOC solves an ordinary differential equation by collocation. ! ! Method: ! ! The M-th order ordinary differential equation with M side ! conditions, to be specified in subroutine DIFEQU, is solved ! approximately by collocation. ! ! The approximation F to the solution G is piecewise polynomial of order ! k+m with L pieces and M-1 continuous derivatives. F is determined by ! the requirement that it satisfy the differential equation at K points ! per interval (to be specified in COLPNT ) and the M side conditions. ! ! This usually nonlinear system of equations for f is solved by ! Newton's method. the resulting linear system for the b-coefficients of an ! iterate is constructed appropriately in eqblok and then solved ! in slvblk, a program designed to solve almost block ! diagonal linear systems efficiently. ! ! There is an opportunity to attempt improvement of the breakpoint ! sequence (both in number and location) through use of NEWNOT. ! ! Printed output consists of the pp-representation of the approximate ! solution, and of the error at selected points. ! ! Reference: ! ! Carl DeBoor, ! A Practical Guide to Splines, ! Springer Verlag. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) ALEFT, ARIGHT, the endpoints of the interval. ! ! Input, integer LBEGIN, the initial number of polynomial pieces ! in the approximation. A uniform breakpoint sequence will be chosen. ! ! Input, integer IORDER, the order of the polynomial pieces to be ! used in the approximation ! ! Input, integer NTIMES, the number of passes to be made through NEWNOT. ! ! addbrk the number (possibly fractional) of breaks to be added per ! pass through newnot. e.g., if addbrk=.33334, then a break- ! point will be added at every third pass through newnot. ! ! relerr a tolerance. Newton iteration is stopped if the difference ! between the b-coefficients of two successive iterates is no more ! than relerr*(absolute largest b-coefficient). ! implicit none integer, parameter :: npiece = 100 integer, parameter :: ndim = 200 integer, parameter :: ncoef = 2000 integer, parameter :: lenblk = 2000 real ( kind = 8 ) a(ndim) real ( kind = 8 ) addbrk real ( kind = 8 ) aleft real ( kind = 8 ) amax real ( kind = 8 ) aright real ( kind = 8 ) asave(ndim) real ( kind = 8 ) b(ndim) real ( kind = 8 ) bloks(lenblk) real ( kind = 8 ) break real ( kind = 8 ) coef real ( kind = 8 ) dx real ( kind = 8 ) err integer i integer iflag integer ii integer integs(3,npiece) integer iorder integer iside integer itemps(ndim) integer iter integer itermx integer j integer k integer kpm integer l integer lbegin integer lnew integer m integer n integer nbloks integer nt integer ntimes real ( kind = 8 ) relerr real ( kind = 8 ) rho real ( kind = 8 ) t(ndim) real ( kind = 8 ) templ(lenblk) real ( kind = 8 ) temps(ndim) real ( kind = 8 ) xside equivalence (bloks,templ) common /approx/ break(npiece),coef(ncoef),l,kpm common /side/ m,iside,xside(10) common /other/ itermx,k,rho(19) kpm = iorder if ( ncoef < lbegin * kpm ) then go to 120 end if ! ! Set the various parameters concerning the particular dif.equ. ! including a first approximation in case the de is to be solved by ! iteration ( 0 < itermx ). ! call difequ ( 1, temps(1), temps ) ! ! Obtain the K collocation points for the standard interval. ! k = kpm-m call colpnt(k,rho) ! ! The following five statements could be replaced by a read in or- ! der to obtain a specific (nonuniform) spacing of the breakpnts. ! dx = (aright-aleft) / real ( lbegin, kind = 8 ) temps(1) = aleft do i = 2, lbegin temps(i) = temps(i-1)+dx end do temps(lbegin+1) = aright ! ! Generate the required knots t(1),...,t(n+kpm). ! call knots ( temps, lbegin, kpm, t, n ) nt = 1 ! ! Generate the almost block diagonal coefficient matrix bloks and ! right side b from collocation equations and side conditions. ! then solve via slvblk , obtaining the b-representation of the ! approximation in T, A, N, KPM. ! 20 continue call eqblok ( t, n, kpm, temps, a, bloks, lenblk, integs, nbloks, b ) call slvblk ( bloks, integs, nbloks, b, itemps, a, iflag ) iter = 1 if ( itermx <= 1 ) then go to 60 end if ! ! Save b-spline coefficients of current approx. in asave , then get new ! approx. and compare with old. if coefficients are more than relerr ! apart (relatively) or if number of iterations is less than itermx , ! continue iterating. ! 30 continue call bsplpp(t,a,n,kpm,templ,break,coef,l) do i = 1, n asave(i) = a(i) end do call eqblok ( t, n, kpm, temps, a, bloks, lenblk, integs, nbloks, b ) call slvblk(bloks,integs,nbloks,b,itemps,a,iflag) err = 0.0D+00 amax = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, n amax = max ( amax, abs ( a(i) ) ) err = max ( err, abs ( a(i)-asave(i) ) ) end do if ( err <= relerr*amax ) then go to 60 end if iter = iter + 1 if ( iter < itermx ) then go to 30 end if ! ! Iteration (if any) completed. print out approx. based on current ! breakpoint sequence, then try to improve the sequence. ! 60 continue write(*,70)kpm,l,n,(break(i),i=2,l) 70 format (' approximation from a space of splines of order',i3, & ' on ',i3,' intervals,'/' of dimension',i4,'. breakpoints -'/ & (5e20.10)) if ( 0 < itermx ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Results on interation ',iter end if call bsplpp(t,a,n,kpm,templ,break,coef,l) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'The piecewise polynomial representation of the approximation:' write ( *, * ) ' ' do i = 1, l ii = ( i - 1 ) * kpm write(*,'(f9.3,e13.6,10e11.3)')break(i),(coef(ii+j),j=1,kpm) end do ! ! The following call is provided here for possible further analysis ! of the approximation specific to the problem being solved. ! it is, of course, easily omitted. ! call difequ ( 4, temps(1), temps ) if ( ntimes < nt ) then return end if ! ! From the pp-rep. of the current approx., obtain in NEWNOT a new ! (and possibly better) sequence of breakpoints, adding (on the ! average) ADDBRK breakpoints per pass through NEWNOT. ! lnew = lbegin + int ( real ( nt, kind = 8 ) * addbrk ) if ( ncoef < lnew * kpm ) then go to 120 end if call newnot(break,coef,l,kpm,temps,lnew,templ) call knots ( temps, lnew, kpm, t, n ) nt = nt+1 go to 20 120 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'COLLOC - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' The assigned dimension for COEF is ',ncoef write(*,*)' but this is too small.' stop end