!> !> @file pptransp3.tpl !> !> @brief !> !> @copyright !> Copyright (©) 2021 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) !> SPC (Swiss Plasma Center) !> !> SPClibs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under !> the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free !> Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) !> any later version. !> !> SPClibs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY !> WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS !> FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. !> !> You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License !> along with this program. If not, see . !> !> @authors !> (in alphabetical order) !> @author Trach-Minh Tran !> INTEGER :: me, npes, i, j, istr, iend, ierr INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ids, idr INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ndists INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: offsets INTEGER :: dims(lastdim), np(2), npmx(2) INTEGER :: n1p, nlp, n1pmx, nlpmx, bufsiz, scount INTEGER :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 0. Prologue ! CALL mpi_comm_rank(comm, me, ierr) CALL mpi_comm_size(comm, npes, ierr) ! ! Determine send/receive proc. id ALLOCATE(ids(npes), idr(npes)) CALL partners(comm, ids, idr) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Send/receive buffers ! ! Distribution of dim1 and dim2 partitionned dimensions ALLOCATE(ndists(2,npes)) ALLOCATE(offsets(2,0:npes)) np(1) = SIZE(b, dim2) ! Local first np(2) = SIZE(a, dim2) ! and second dimension CALL mpi_allgather(np, 2, MPI_INTEGER, ndists, 2, MPI_INTEGER, comm, ierr) offsets = 0 DO i=1,npes offsets(:,i) = offsets(:,i-1) + ndists(:,i) END DO ! ! Allocate send and receive 1d buffers npmx = MAXVAL(ndists,2) bufsiz = npmx(1)*npmx(2) ! Maximum size of send/receive buffers DO i=1,lastdim IF ( (i .NE. dim1) .AND. (i .NE. dim2) ) bufsiz = bufsiz * SIZE(a,i) END DO ALLOCATE(s_buf(bufsiz), r_buf(bufsiz) ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2. Exchange blocks ! IF ( (dim1 .EQ. 1) .AND. ( dim2 .EQ. 2 ) ) THEN !*** dim dependant ***! recv_order = (/2,1,3/) !*** dim dependant ***! ELSE IF ( (dim1 .EQ. 1) .AND. ( dim2 .eq. 3 ) ) THEN !*** dim dependant ***! recv_order = (/3,2,1/) !*** dim dependant ***! ELSE IF ( (dim1 .EQ. 2) .AND. ( dim2 .eq. 3 ) ) THEN !*** dim dependant ***! recv_order = (/1,3,2/) !*** dim dependant ***! ELSE IF ( me .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE(*, '(a,i4,a,i4,a)') 'pptransp3: Cannot handle case dim1 = ', dim1, ', dim2 = ', dim2, '!' CALL mpi_abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1, ierr) END IF END IF ! DO i=1,npes istr = offsets(1,ids(i)) + 1 ! Partition a along dimension dim1 iend = offsets(1,ids(i)+1) dims = SHAPE(a) dims(dim1) = iend-istr+1 scount = PRODUCT(dims) IF (dim1 .EQ. 1) THEN !*** dim dependant ***! s_buf(1:scount) = RESHAPE(a(istr:iend,:,:), (/scount/)) !*** dim dependant ***! ELSE IF (dim1 .EQ. 2) THEN !*** dim dependant ***! s_buf(1:scount) = RESHAPE(a(:,istr:iend,:), (/scount/)) !*** dim dependant ***! END IF !*** dim dependant ***! CALL MPI_SENDRECV(s_buf, scount, mpitype, ids(i), i,& & r_buf, bufsiz, mpitype, idr(i), i,& & comm, status, ierr) istr = offsets(2,idr(i)) + 1 ! Partition b along dimension dim1 iend = offsets(2,idr(i)+1) dims = SHAPE(b) dims(dim1) = iend-istr+1 IF (dim1 .EQ. 1) THEN !*** dim dependant ***! b(istr:iend,:,:) = RESHAPE(r_buf, dims, order=recv_order) !*** dim dependant ***! ELSE IF (dim1 .EQ. 2) THEN !*** dim dependant ***! b(:,istr:iend,:) = RESHAPE(r_buf, dims, order=recv_order) !*** dim dependant ***! END IF !*** dim dependant ***! END DO !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 9. Epilogue ! DEALLOCATE(ids, idr) DEALLOCATE(ndists, offsets) DEALLOCATE(s_buf, r_buf) !