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- Module : micpsolver
- File : micpsolver_base.hpp
- Author : Fabien Georget
Copyright (c) 2014, Fabien Georget, Princeton University
//! \file micpsolver_base.hpp Base class for micpsolver
#include <memory>
#include "micpsolver_structs.hpp"
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "utils/log.hpp"
namespace specmicp {
namespace micpsolver {
//! \brief Base class of an MiCP solver
//! Handle options and performance structures.
class MiCPSolverBase
//! \brief Return a const reference to the options used by the algorithm
const MiCPSolverOptions& get_options() const {return m_options;}
//! \brief Return a reference to the options used by the algorithm
MiCPSolverOptions& get_options() {return m_options;}
//! \brief Set the options
void set_options(const MiCPSolverOptions& options) {m_options = options;}
//! \brief Return a const reference to an instance of MiCPPerformance
const MiCPPerformance& get_performance() {return m_perf;}
//! \brief Return a reference to an instance of MiCPPerformance
MiCPPerformance& get_perf() {return m_perf;}
MiCPSolverOptions m_options; //!< The options
MiCPPerformance m_perf; //!< The performance
//! \brief SubBase class of an MiCP solver, handle the program
template <class program_t>
class MiCPSolverBaseProgram: public MiCPSolverBase
using program_ptr = std::shared_ptr<program_t>;
MiCPSolverBaseProgram(program_ptr prog):
//! \brief Return the program
program_ptr& get_program() {return m_program;}
//! \brief Return the number of equations
int get_neq() const {return m_program->total_variables();}
//! \brief Return the number of equations corresponding to the free variables (size of G)
int get_neq_free() const {return m_program->nb_free_variables();}
//! \brief Compute the residuals, store it in r
//! @param[in] x the variables
//! @param[out] r vector to store the residuals (must be of the same size as x)
void compute_residuals(const Eigen::VectorXd& x, Eigen::VectorXd& r)
m_program->get_residuals(x, r);
get_perf().nb_call_residuals += 1;
//! \brief Compute the jacobian
//! Assumes that the residual have been computed before
//! @param[in] x the variables
//! @param[out] jacobian the jacobian
void compute_jacobian(Eigen::VectorXd& x, Eigen::MatrixXd& jacobian)
m_program->get_jacobian(x, jacobian);
get_perf().nb_call_jacobian += 1;
//! \brief Compute the factors to scale the jacobian
//! @param[in] jacobian the jacobian to scale (from the reformulated problem)
//! @param[in] residuals the residuals corresponding to the jacobian
//! @param[out] rscaler scaling factors of the rows
//! @param[out] cscaler scaling factors of the columns
void scaling_jacobian(
const Eigen::MatrixXd& jacobian,
const Eigen::VectorXd& residuals,
Eigen::VectorXd& rscaler,
Eigen::VectorXd& cscaler);
//! \brief Check for convergence
//! @param nb_iterations the number of iterations
//! @param update the update taken at the previous iteration
//! @param solution the current solution
//! @param residuals current residuals
//! @return a MiCPSolverReturnCode describing the state of the algorithm
MiCPSolverReturnCode check_convergence(int nb_iterations,
const Eigen::VectorXd &update,
const Eigen::VectorXd &solution,
const Eigen::VectorXd &residuals);
//! \brief Reformulate the jacobian using the cck function
void reformulate_jacobian_cck(
const Eigen::VectorXd& x,
const Eigen::VectorXd& r,
Eigen::MatrixXd& jacobian
//! \brief Compute the norm of the update
template <int p>
double norm_update(const Eigen::VectorXd& update,
const Eigen::VectorXd& solution) const {
return (update.array().abs()/(solution.array().max(1))
).matrix().template lpNorm<p>();
//! \brief Project variables on the feasible set
void projection(Eigen::VectorXd& x);
//! \brief Return the step corrected step length if it is too long
double is_step_too_long(Eigen::VectorXd& update);
program_ptr& set_program(program_ptr theprogram) {
m_program = theprogram;
program_ptr m_program;
} // end namespace micpsolver
} // end namespace specmicp
// ----------------------------------- //
// Implementation //
// ----------------------------------- //
#include "micpsolver_base.inl"

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