Building SpecMiCP ----------------- SpecMiCP uses CMAKE as build system, to build it, in the specmicp directory, run : cmake . make To customize build, see the cmake documentation and the following informations : Requirements : ============== - C++11 compiler (tested with gcc 4.8) - Boost (tested with boost 1.55) - Eigen (>=3.2) Requirements for the documentation : ------------------------------------ - Doxygen Configuration Options : ======================= These options are used by CMake to configure the project - SPECMICP_USE_OPENMP - bool - Use the OpenMP library to allow multithreading Compilation Options : ===================== These options are used by the c++ preprocessor - SPECMICP_NO_DEBUG - bool - if true, remove assert used in specmicp - SPECMICP_USE_OPENMP : - bool - use openmp to parallelize code - SPECMICP_DEBUG_EQUATION_FD_JACOBIAN - bool - use a finite difference jacobian in specmicp