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/* =============================================================================
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016
F. Georget <> Princeton University
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//! \file adimensional_system.hpp The MiCP program to solve speciation
#include "../../types.hpp"
#include "database.hpp"
#include "../../micpsolver/micpprog.hpp"
#include "../../physics/units.hpp"
#include "../../utils/options_handler.hpp"
#include "adimensional_system_numbering.hpp"
#include "adimensional_system_structs.hpp"
//! \namespace specmicp main namespace for the SpecMiCP solver
namespace specmicp {
struct AdimensionalSystemSolution;
//! \brief The equilibrium speciation problem
//! Represent the equilibrium speciation problem as a Mixed Complementarity program
//! The main variables are :
//! - \f$phi_w\f$ the volume fraction of water (total saturation)
//! - \f$b_i\f$ the molality of aqueous component
//! - \f$phi_m\f$ the volume fraction of mineral
//! - \f$s_f\f$ the concentration (molality) of free sorption sites
//! The solid phase equilibrium is solved by using a complementarity formulation
//! \f[ S^t_m \geq 0, \; - \mathrm{SI}_m \geq 0 , \; \mathrm{and} \; - S^t_m \mathrm{SI}_m = 0 \f]
//! The secondary variables (molalities of secondary aqueous species, gas fugacities, ionic strength, ...)
//! are solved using a fixed point iteration at the beginning of each iteration.
//! This class should only be used through the AdimensionalSystemSolver.
class SPECMICP_DLL_LOCAL AdimensionalSystem :
public micpsolver::MiCPProg<AdimensionalSystem>,
public AdimemsionalSystemNumbering,
public OptionsHandler<AdimensionalSystemOptions>,
private units::UnitBaseClass
//! \brief Create a reduced system
//! \param ptrdata Shared pointer to the thermodynamic database
//! \param constraints Constraints to apply to the system
//! \param options Numerical options, mainly related to the secondary variables
//! \param units_set The set of units
AdimensionalSystem(RawDatabasePtr& ptrdata,
const AdimensionalSystemConstraints& constraints,
const AdimensionalSystemOptions& options=AdimensionalSystemOptions(),
const units::UnitsSet& units_set=units::UnitsSet()
//! \brief Create a reduced system, initialize the system using a previous solution
//! \param ptrdata Shared pointer to the thermodynamic database
//! \param constraints Constraints to apply to the system
//! \param previous_solution The previous solution to use for initialization
//! \param options Numerical options, mainly related to the secondary variables
//! \param units_set The set of units
RawDatabasePtr& ptrdata,
const AdimensionalSystemConstraints& constraints,
const AdimensionalSystemSolution& previous_solution,
const AdimensionalSystemOptions& options=AdimensionalSystemOptions(),
const units::UnitsSet& units_set=units::UnitsSet()
// Variables
// ==========
//! \name Variables
//! \brief How many ?
//! @{
//! \brief Return the total number of variables
index_t total_variables() const {return m_equations.nb_tot_variables;}
//! \brief Return the number of 'free' variables (not subject to complementarity conditions)
index_t nb_free_variables() const {return m_equations.nb_free_variables;}
//! \brief Return the number of variables subjected to the complementarity conditions
index_t nb_complementarity_variables() const {return m_equations.nb_complementarity_variables;}
//! @}
//! \brief Return a pointer to the database
RawDatabasePtr get_database() {return m_data;}
// The linear system
// ==================
//! \name Residuals and Jacobian
//! \brief Compute the residuals and the jacobian
//! @{
//! \brief Return the residuals
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param[out] residual Vector containing the residuals
void get_residuals(const Vector& x, Vector& residual);
//! \brief Return the jacobian
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param[out] jacobian Dense matrix representing the jacobian
void get_jacobian(Vector& x,
Matrix& jacobian);
//! \brief Return the residual for the water conservation equation
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
scalar_t residual_water_conservation(const Vector& x) const;
//! \brief Return the residual for the water saturation equation
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
scalar_t residual_water_saturation(const Vector& x) const;
//! \brief Return the residual for the conservation equation of component (i)
//! For water (i==0) use the method : 'residual_water'
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param i Index of the component (in the database)
scalar_t residual_component(const Vector& x, index_t i) const;
//! \brief Compute the residual for the surface sorption
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
scalar_t residual_surface(const Vector& x) const;
//! \brief Equilibrium condition for the minerals
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param m Index of the mineral (in the database)
scalar_t residual_mineral(const Vector& x, index_t m) const;
//! \brief Return the residual of the charge conservation equation
//! This equation may be used instead of a mass conservation equation to
//! explicitely enforce the electroneutrality.
//! The component corresponding to this equation is called the charge keeper
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
scalar_t residual_charge_conservation(const Vector& x) const;
//! \brief Return the residual corresponding to a fixed fugacity equation
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param component Index of the corresponding component (in the database)
scalar_t residual_fixed_fugacity(const Vector& x, index_t component) const;
//! \brief Return the residual corresponding to a fixed activity equation
//! If 'component ' is charged, then a charge keeper should be set.
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param component Index of the corresponding component (in the database)
scalar_t residual_fixed_activity(const Vector& x, index_t component) const;
//! \brief Return the residual corresponding to a fixed molality equation
//! If 'component ' is charged, then a charge keeper should be set.
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param component Index of the corresponding component (in the database)
scalar_t residual_fixed_molality(const Vector& x, index_t component) const;
//! \brief Return the residual corresponding to the electron equation
scalar_t residual_electron(const Vector &x) const;
//! \brief Compute the jacobian analytically
void analytical_jacobian(Vector& x, Matrix& jacobian);
//! \brief Compute the jacobian using finite difference
void finite_difference_jacobian(Vector& x, Matrix& jacobian);
//! \brief Return a scale factor to avoid negative mass during Newton's iteration
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param update Update of the current iteration
double max_lambda(const Vector &x, const Vector &update);
//! @}
// Getters
// #######
// Equation id access
// ==================
//! \name Equation Id
//! \brief The equation id is the row of the equation in the residuals/jacobian
//! The degree of freedom getter function are inherited from specmicp::AdimensionalSystemNumbering
//! @{
//! \brief Return the equation id
//! \param i Index of the main variable (in the set of the main variables)
index_t ideq(index_t i) const {return m_equations.ideq[i];}
//! \brief Return the equation number for conservation of water
index_t ideq_w() const {return m_equations.ideq[dof_water()];}
//! \brief Return the equation number of component 'i'
//! \param i Index of the component (in the database)
index_t ideq_paq(index_t i) const {
specmicp_assert(i < m_data->nb_component());
return m_equations.ideq[dof_component(i)];
//! \brief Return the equation number of the electron equation
index_t ideq_electron() const {
return m_equations.ideq[dof_electron()];
//! \brief Return the equation number of the free surface concentration
index_t ideq_surf() const {
return m_equations.ideq[dof_surface()];
//! \brief Return the equation number of mineral 'm'
//! \param m Index of the mineral (in the database)
index_t ideq_min(index_t m) const {
specmicp_assert(m < m_data->nb_mineral());
return m_equations.ideq[dof_mineral(m)];
//! @}
//! \name Equation type
//! \brief Which equation is actually solved
//! @{
//! \brief Return the type of equation used for the solvent
//! Can be no equation, mass conservation, saturation of the system, ...
//! \sa #WaterEquationType, #aqueous_component_equation_type, #AqueousComponentEquationType
WaterEquationType water_equation_type() const {
return static_cast<WaterEquationType>(m_equations.type_equation(dof_water()));
//! \brief Return the type of equation for aqueous species 'component'
//! For water used the method #water_equation_type
//! \param component Index of the aqueous component (in the database)
//! \sa #AqueousComponentEquationType, water_equation_type, #WaterEquationType
AqueousComponentEquationType aqueous_component_equation_type(index_t component) const {
specmicp_assert(component > 0 and component < m_data->nb_component());
return static_cast<AqueousComponentEquationType>(m_equations.type_equation(dof_component(component)));
//! \brief Return the type of equation for the electron
ElectronEquationType electron_equation_type() const {
return static_cast<ElectronEquationType>(m_equations.type_equation(dof_electron()));
//! \brief Return true if an equation exist for this component
//! \param component Index of the component (in the database)
bool is_active_component(index_t component) const {
specmicp_assert(component < m_data->nb_component() and component > no_species);
return m_equations.id_equation(dof_component(component)) != no_equation;
//! \brief Return the surface model
SurfaceEquationType surface_model() const {
if (ideq_surf() == no_equation)
return SurfaceEquationType::NoEquation;
return SurfaceEquationType::Equilibrium;
//! \brief Return true if 'component' is the charge keeper
//! The charge keeper is the component added or removed to satisfy the charge balance
//! \param component Index of the aqueous component (in the database)
bool is_charge_keeper(index_t component)
return (aqueous_component_equation_type(component) == AqueousComponentEquationType::ChargeBalance);
//! \brief Return the component that does not exist in the solution (inactive dof)
const std::vector<index_t>& get_non_active_component() {return m_equations.nonactive_component;}
//! @}
// Variables
// =========
//! \name2 Main variables
//! \brief Access to the main variables
//! @{
//! \brief Return the volume fraction of water
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
scalar_t volume_fraction_water(const Vector& x) const;
//! \brief Return the density of water
scalar_t density_water() const;
//! \brief Return the volume fraction of a mineral
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param mineral Index of the mineral (in the database)
scalar_t volume_fraction_mineral(const Vector& x, index_t mineral) const;
//! \brief Return the volume of minerals
//! \param mineral Index of the mineral (in the database)
scalar_t molar_volume_mineral(index_t mineral) const {
return m_scaling_molar_volume*m_data->unsafe_molar_volume_mineral(mineral);
//! \brief Return the sum of saturation of the minerals
//! This corresponds to the volume fraction of the solid phases (minus the inert phase)
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
scalar_t sum_volume_fraction_minerals(const Vector& x) const;
//! \brief Return the porosity
//! Computed 'on-the-fly'
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
scalar_t porosity(const Vector& x) const {
return 1-sum_volume_fraction_minerals(x)-m_inert_volume_fraction;
//! \brief Return the log_10 of the component molality
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param component Index of the aqueous component (in the database)
scalar_t log_component_molality(const Vector& x, index_t component) const {
specmicp_assert(ideq_paq(component) != no_equation and component < m_data->nb_component());
return x(ideq_paq(component));
//! \brief Return the molality of 'component'
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param component Index of the aqueous component (in the database)
scalar_t component_molality(const Vector& x, index_t component) const {
return pow10(log_component_molality(x, component));
//! \brief Return the concentration of free sorption site
scalar_t free_sorption_site_concentration(const Vector& x) const {
return pow10(log_free_sorption_site_concentration(x));
//! \brief Return the log_10 of the free sorption site concentration
scalar_t log_free_sorption_site_concentration(const Vector& x) const {
specmicp_assert(ideq_surf() != no_equation);
return x(ideq_surf());
//! \brief log activity of the electron
scalar_t log_activity_electron(const Vector& x) const {
specmicp_assert(ideq_electron() != no_equation);
return x(ideq_electron());
//! \brief return the activity of the electro
scalar_t activity_electron(const Vector& x) const {
return pow10(log_activity_electron(x));
//! @}
//! \name Secondary variables
//! \brief Access to the secondary variables
//! @{
//! \brief Return the concentration of secondary species 'aqueous'
//! \param aqueous Index of the secondary aqueous species (in the database)
scalar_t secondary_molality(index_t aqueous) const {
if (not is_aqueous_active(aqueous)) return 0.0;
return m_second.secondary_molalities(dof_aqueous(aqueous));
//! \brief Return true if 'aqueous' is active
//! i.e. Return true if all its component are present in the system
//! \param aqueous Index of the secondary aqueous species (in the database)
bool is_aqueous_active(index_t aqueous) const {
return m_equations.active_aqueous[dof_aqueous(aqueous)];
//! \brief Return log_10(γ_i) where i is a component
//! γ is the activity coefficient
//! \param component Index of the aqueous component (in the database)
scalar_t log_gamma_component(index_t component) const {
return m_second.loggamma(dof_component_gamma(component));
//! \brief Return log_10(γ_j) where j is a secondary aqueous species
//! γ is the activity coefficient
//! \param aqueous Index of the secondary aqueous species (in the database)
scalar_t log_gamma_secondary(index_t aqueous) const {
return m_second.loggamma(dof_aqueous_gamma(aqueous));
//! \brief Return the ionic strength
scalar_t ionic_strength() const noexcept {
return m_second.ionic_strength;
//! \brief Return the total concentration of 'component'
//! Only use this method if the mass is conserved for 'component'
//! \param component Index of the aqueous component (in the database)
scalar_t total_concentration_bc(index_t component) const {
specmicp_assert((component > 0 and aqueous_component_equation_type(component)
== AqueousComponentEquationType::MassConservation)
( water_equation_type() == WaterEquationType::MassConservation));
return m_fixed_values(component);
//! \brief Return the fixed activity of 'component'
//! Only use this method if 'component' has a fixed activity constraint
//! \param component Index of the aqueous component (in the database)
scalar_t fixed_activity_bc(index_t component) const {
== AqueousComponentEquationType::FixedActivity);
return m_fixed_values(component);
//! \brief Return the fixed molality of 'component'
//! Only use this method if 'component' has a fixed molality constraint
//! \param component Index of the aqueous component (in the database)
scalar_t fixed_molality_bc(index_t component) const {
== AqueousComponentEquationType::FixedMolality);
return m_fixed_values(component);
//! \brief Return the fixed fugacity value for 'component'
scalar_t fixed_fugacity_bc(index_t component) const {
== AqueousComponentEquationType::FixedFugacity);
return m_fixed_values(component);
//! \brief Return the total concentration for the electron
scalar_t electron_total_concentration() const {
return 0.0;
// Gas
// ---
//! \brief Return the fugacity of 'gas'
//! \param gas Index of the gas (in the database)
scalar_t gas_fugacity(index_t gas) const {
return m_second.gas_fugacity(gas);
//! \brief Return the concentration of 'gas' in the system
//! \param gas Index of the gas (in the database)
scalar_t gas_concentration(index_t gas) const {
return m_second.gas_concentration(gas);
//! \brief Return true if gas is active
//! \param gas Index of the gas (in the database)
bool is_active_gas(index_t gas) const {
return m_equations.active_gas[gas];
//! \brief Return the volume fraction (total saturation) of the gas phase
scalar_t volume_fraction_gas_phase() const noexcept {
return m_second.volume_fraction_gas;
// Sorbed species
// --------------
//! \brief Return the surface total concentration
const scalar_t& surface_total_concentration() const {
return m_fixed_values(dof_surface());
//! \brief Return true if 'sorbed' is an active species
//! \param sorbed Index of the sorbed species (in the database)
bool is_active_sorbed(index_t sorbed) const {
return m_equations.active_sorbed[sorbed];
//! \brief Return the molality of the sorbed species 'sorbed'
//! \param sorbed Index of the sorbed species (in the database)
const scalar_t& sorbed_species_concentration(index_t sorbed) const {
return m_second.sorbed_concentrations(sorbed);
// Pressure and temperature
// ------------------------
//! \brief Return the gas pressure
//! This is a fixed value (1 atm)
scalar_t gas_total_pressure() const {
return 1.01325e5;
// Note : all pressure are in pascal, unit conversion is done for the concentration
//! \brief Return the temperature
//! This is a fixed value (25°C)
scalar_t temperature() const noexcept {
return 273.16+25;
//! @}
// Solution
// =================
//! \brief Return the equilibrium state of the system, the Solution of the speciation problem
//! \param xtot the complete set of main variables
//! \param x the reduced set of main variables, only the variables with an equation
AdimensionalSystemSolution get_solution(Vector& xtot, const Vector& x);
//! \name Secondary variables computation
//! \brief Algorithms to compute the secondary variables
//! @{
//! \brief Compute the ionic strength
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
void set_ionic_strength(const Vector& x);
//! \brief Compute the activity coefficients
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
void compute_log_gamma(const Vector& x);
//! \brief Compute the secondary aqueous species molalities
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
void set_secondary_concentration(const Vector& x);
//! \brief Compute the secondary variables
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
void set_secondary_variables(const Vector& x);
//! \brief Compute the gas phase volume fraction
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
void set_volume_fraction_gas_phase(const Vector& x);
//! \brief Compute the fugacity for all the gas
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
void set_pressure_fugacity(const Vector& x);
//! \brief Compute the sorbed species concentrations
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
void set_sorbed_concentrations(const Vector& x);
//! \brief This function is called at the beginning of each iteration by the solver
//! It does the fixed-point iteration to compute the secondary variables
//! \param x Vector of the main variables
//! \param norm_residual Norm of the current residuals
bool hook_start_iteration(const Vector &x, scalar_t norm_residual);
//! @}
//! \brief A reasonable (well... maybe...) starting guess
//! \param xtot Vector of the main variables
//! \sa #reasonable_starting_guess
void reasonable_starting_guess(Vector& xtot);
//! \brief A reasonable (maybe...) restarting guess
//! \param xtot Vector of the main variables
//! \sa #reasonable_restarting_guess
void reasonable_restarting_guess(Vector& xtot);
//! \brief Set the units
void set_units(const units::UnitsSet& unit_set);
// Private Members and attributes
// ##############################
// scaling factors
void compute_scaling_factors();
//! \brief Sum of the aqueous molalities weighted by the stoichiometric coefficient of 'component'
scalar_t weigthed_sum_aqueous(index_t component) const;
//! \brief Sum of the sorbed concentration weighted by the stoichiometric coefficient of 'component'
scalar_t weigthed_sum_sorbed(index_t component) const;
//! \brief Sum of the mineral concentration weighted by the stoichiometric coefficient of 'component'
scalar_t weigthed_sum_mineral(const Vector& x, index_t component) const;
//! \brief Sum of the gas concentration weigthed by the stoichiometric coefficient of 'component'
scalar_t weigthed_sum_gas(index_t component) const;
//! \brief Derivative of the aqueous weigthed sum with respect to 'diff_component'
//! \sa weigthed_sum_aqueous
scalar_t diff_weigthed_sum_aqueous(index_t diff_component, index_t component) const;
//! \brief Derivative of the sorbed weigthed sum with respect to 'diff_component'
//! \sa weigthed_sum_sorbed
scalar_t diff_weigthed_sum_sorbed(index_t diff_component, index_t component) const;
//! \brief Derivative of the sorbed weigthed sum with respect to the free surface concentration
//! \sa weigthed_sum_sorbed
scalar_t diff_surface_weigthed_sum_sorbed(index_t component) const;
//! \brief Derivative of the gas weigthed sum with respect to 'diff_component'
//! \sa weigthed_sum_sorbed
scalar_t diff_weigthed_sum_gas(index_t diff_component, index_t component) const;
// Jacobian
// ########
//! \brief Compute the water equation contribution to the Jacobian
//! \param x Reduced vector of the main variables
//! \param jacobian Dense matrix containing the jacobian
void jacobian_water(Vector& x, Matrix& jacobian);
//! \brief Compute the aqueous components equation contribution to the Jacobian
//! \param x Reduced vector of the main variables
//! \param jacobian Dense matrix containing the jacobian
void jacobian_aqueous_components(Vector& x, Matrix& jacobian);
//! \brief Compute the mineral equations contribution to the Jacobian
//! \param x Reduced vector of the main variables
//! \param jacobian Dense matrix containing the jacobian
void jacobian_minerals(Vector& x, Matrix& jacobian);
//! \brief Compute the contribution of the surface sorption equation to te Jacobian
//! \param x Reduced vector of the main variables
//! \param jacobian Dense matrix containing the jacobian
void jacobian_surface(Vector& x, Matrix& jacobian);
//! \brief Compute the contribution of the electron equation to te Jacobian
//! \param x Reduced vector of the main variables
//! \param jacobian Dense matrix containing the jacobian
void jacobian_electron(Vector& x, Matrix& jacobian);
// Equation numbering
// ##################
//! \brief Number the equations
//! \param constraints the constraints to apply to the system
//! \sa number_eq_aqueous_component
void number_eq(const AdimensionalSystemConstraints& constraints);
//! \brief Number the equations for the aqueous components
//! \param constraints the constraints to apply to the system
//! \param[in,out] neq the number of equations in the system
//! \sa number_eq
void number_eq_aqueous_component(
const AdimensionalSystemConstraints& constraints,
index_t& neq
// Setter
// ######
// main variables
// --------------
// they are set by the solver
// Secondary variables
// -------------------
//! \brief Return a reference to log_10(γ_i) where i is a component
scalar_t& log_gamma_component(index_t component) {
return m_second.loggamma(dof_component_gamma(component));
//! \brief Return a reference to log_10(γ_j) where j is a secondary aqueous species
scalar_t& log_gamma_secondary(index_t aqueous) {
return m_second.loggamma(dof_aqueous_gamma(aqueous));
//! \brief Return a reference to the ionic strength
scalar_t& ionic_strength() {
return m_second.ionic_strength;
// Attributes
// ##########
//! \struct SecondaryVariables
//! \brief Contains information about the secondary variables
struct SecondaryVariables {
scalar_t ionic_strength {0.0}; //!< The ionic Strength
scalar_t volume_fraction_gas {0.0}; //!< The gas saturation
scalar_t porosity {0.0}; //!< The porosity
Vector secondary_molalities; //!< The secondary molalities
Vector loggamma; //!< The log of activity coefficients
Vector gas_fugacity; //!< The gas fugacities
Vector gas_concentration; //!< The gas concentrations
Vector sorbed_concentrations; //!< The sorbed concentrations
//! \brief Initialization without a previous solution
SecondaryVariables(const RawDatabasePtr& data);
//! \brief Initialization with a previous solution
SecondaryVariables(const AdimensionalSystemSolution& previous_solution);
//! \struct IdEquations
//! \brief BookKeeper for the equations id and type
struct IdEquations {
bool use_water_pressure_model {false};
water_partial_pressure_f water_pressure_model {nullptr};
index_t nb_tot_variables {0};
index_t nb_free_variables {0};
index_t nb_complementarity_variables {0};
std::vector<index_t> ideq;
std::vector<index_t> component_equation_type;
std::vector<index_t> fixed_activity_species;
std::vector<index_t> nonactive_component {};
std::vector<bool> active_aqueous;
std::vector<bool> active_gas;
std::vector<bool> active_sorbed;
//! \brief Initialize the data structure
IdEquations(index_t nb_dofs, const RawDatabasePtr& data);
//! \brief Return the equation id
const index_t& id_equation(index_t dof) const {
return ideq[dof];
//! \brief Return a reference to the equation id
index_t& id_equation(index_t dof) {
return ideq[dof];
//! \brief Return a reference to the type of equation of 'dof'
index_t& type_equation(index_t dof) {
return component_equation_type[dof];
//! \brief Return the equation type for 'dof'
index_t type_equation(index_t dof) const {
return component_equation_type[dof];
//! \brief Return the related species for dof
//! The exact meaning of this relation is dependant upon the equation type
index_t& related_species(index_t dof) {
return fixed_activity_species[dof];
//! \brief Add a non active component to the system
void add_non_active_component(index_t id) {
//! \brief Add an equation
void add_equation(index_t id, index_t *neq) {
ideq[id] = *neq;
//! \brief Set the active flag of aqueous species 'id' to 'is_active'
void set_aqueous_active(index_t id, bool is_active) {
active_aqueous[id] = is_active;
//! \brief Set the active flag of gas 'id' to 'is_active'
void set_gas_active(index_t id, bool is_active) {
active_gas[id] = is_active;
//! \brief Set the active flag of sorbed species 'id' to 'is_active'
void set_sorbed_active(index_t id, bool is_active) {
active_sorbed[id] = is_active;
bool not_in_linesearch {true};
scalar_t m_inert_volume_fraction;
scalar_t m_scaling_molar_volume {1.0};
scalar_t m_scaling_gas {1.0};
Vector m_fixed_values {};
SecondaryVariables m_second;
IdEquations m_equations;
} // end namespace specmicp

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