This content is related to the paper: "Stream temperature evolution in
Switzerland over the last 50 years, Adrien Michel, Tristan Brauchli, Michael
Lehning, Bettina Schaefli, and Hendrik Huwald, HESS, 2019"
Any use of the material (code or data) presented here should clearly reference
to this paper and to the providers of the data mentioned in the documentation.
This material is distributed under the GPLv3 license
Author: Adrien Michel,, 08.2019
This folder contains the R package required to run scripts in "3_Produce_data"
and in "4_Run_analysis". In addition, it provides the documentation and the
source code of the package.
In the documentation file (the pdf file), user are invited to read the section
'swisswatertemp' starting on page 25, which describes in detail the datasets
provided in "4_Run_analysis/data/rds_data"
First, the following packages should be install in R:
- data.table
- rgdal
- sp
- raster
- zoo
- gridExtra
- GISTools
- RColorBrewer
- graphics
- Hmisc
- lubridate
- Partiallyoverlapping
This can be done by installing each packages individually using:
Or by running the provided 'install_dependencies.R' script.
The installation of the R package can be done by running:
install.packages(path_to_file, repos = NULL, type="source")
This should be run within an R session, and 'path_to_file' should point to the
file 'swisswatertemp_1.0.0.tar.gz'. This path should be relative to the current
working directory of the R session which can be obtained by running getwd().
For more information see e.g.
This content is related to the paper: "Stream temperature evolution in
Switzerland over the last 50 years, Adrien Michel, Tristan Brauchli, Michael
Lehning, Bettina Schaefli, and Hendrik Huwald, HESS, 2019"
Any use of the material (code or data) presented here should clearly reference
to this paper and to the providers of the data mentioned in the documentation.
This material is distributed under the GPLv3 license
Author: Adrien Michel,, 08.2019
This folder contains the R package required to run scripts in "3_Produce_data"
and in "4_Run_analysis". In addition, it provides the documentation and the
source code of the package.
In the documentation file (the pdf file), user are invited to read the section
'swisswatertemp' starting on page 25, which describes in detail the datasets
provided in "4_Run_analysis/data/rds_data"
First, the following packages should be install in R:
- data.table
- rgdal
- sp
- raster
- zoo
- gridExtra
- GISTools
- RColorBrewer
- graphics
- Hmisc
- lubridate
- Partiallyoverlapping
This can be done by installing each packages individually using:
Or by running the provided 'install_dependencies.R' script.
The installation of the R package can be done by running:
install.packages(path_to_file, repos = NULL, type="source")
This should be run within an R session, and 'path_to_file' should point to the
file 'swisswatertemp_1.0.0.tar.gz'. This path should be relative to the current
working directory of the R session which can be obtained by running getwd().
For more information see e.g.
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