% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/Input_preprocessing.R \name{get_file_data_only} \alias{get_file_data_only} \title{Read data from a SMET file, returns a SMET_OBJECT without means computed} \usage{ get_file_data_only(file, start = NULL, end = NULL, meteo = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{file}{Path of the SMET file to be loaded} \item{start}{Starting year to keep (default \code{NULL})} \item{end}{Ending year to keep (default \code{NULL})} \item{meteo}{Three capital letters apreviation of the associated meteoSwiss stations (default \code{NULL})} } \value{ A list of SMET object continning the data. The keys are the input files names (without extension). } \description{ Same as \code{\link{get_file_data}} but does not add the mean values. }