% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/Hysteresis_analysis.R \name{get_hysteresis_data} \alias{get_hysteresis_data} \title{Produce hysteresis data} \usage{ get_hysteresis_data(rivers_data, period, smoothing) } \arguments{ \item{rivers_data}{A list of SMET_OBJECT, which are obtained through the function \code{\link{get_file_data}} and contain the data of one river station.} \item{period}{The lenght (in year) of the periods over which the hystheresis data should be computed} \item{smoothing}{The length (in day) of the moving average window to be applied} } \value{ The input SMET_OBJECT whih a new list entry, "hysteresis", containing the hysteresis data. The hysteresyis data are discharge and temperature values, averaged for each day of the year separately over various periods and smoothed with a circular moving average window. The new "hysteresis" antry of the SMET_OBJECT contains a list where the keys are the periods (in the format "AAAA-BBBB" where AAAA is the starting year and BBBB the ending year) and the associated data are a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} containing discharge and temperature values. } \description{ Read data from a list of SMET_OBJECT, which are obtained through the function \code{\link{get_file_data}} and contain the data of one river station. It keeps only subsequent years and compute necessary values for hysteresis plots (daily means over years and smoothed daily means over years) }