% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/Analysis_functions.R \name{plot_stl} \alias{plot_stl} \title{Plot component of STL for one station} \usage{ plot_stl(station, output_type = "NONE") } \arguments{ \item{station}{A SMET object containing the data for one station} \item{output_type}{Either \code{"NONE"} (default), \code{"PDF"} or \code{"PNG"}. \code{output_type = "NONE"} creates the plot in a normal plot window, \code{output_type = "PDF"} saves the plot as pdf under plots/General_situation.pdf, \code{output_type = "PNG"} saves the plot as png under plots/General_situation.png} } \description{ This function plots the component of the STL for the four variables T, Q, TA and P for the water station passed in parameters and the associated meteoSwiss stations. This produces the plots shown in Figures S1 to S4 in supplementary. }