% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/Hysteresis_analysis.R \name{smooth_daily_means_over_period} \alias{smooth_daily_means_over_period} \title{Function wrapper for \code{\link{smooth_circular}}} \usage{ smooth_daily_means_over_period(daily_means, smooth_time) } \arguments{ \item{daily_means}{A list of \code{\link[base]{data.frame}}. Each \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} is made of numeric values and contains daily data over a year (365 data)} \item{smooth_time}{The window to be used for the moving average} } \value{ A list where each key is one time period. List emntries are \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} of daily mean data circularly smoothed over the period used as key. Periods have the format "AAAA-BBBB" where AAAA is the starting year and BBBB the ending year } \description{ Wrapper for \code{\link{smooth_circular}} to call it over all the periods defined in \code{\link{compute_daily_means_over_period}} }