Model and integral operators ============================ The class :cpp:class:`tamaas::Model` (and its counterpart :py:class:`Model `) is both a central class in Tamaas and one of the simplest. It mostly serves as holder for material properties, fields and integral operators, and apart from a linear elastic behavior does not perform any computation on its own. Model types ----------- :cpp:class:`tamaas::Model` has a concrete subclass :cpp:class:`tamaas::ModelTemplate` which implements the model function for a given :cpp:type:`tamaas::model_type`: :cpp:enumerator:`tamaas::basic_2d` Model type used in normal frictionless contact: traction and displacement are 2D fields with only one component. :cpp:enumerator:`tamaas::surface_2d` Model type used in frictional contact: traction and displacement are 2D fields with three components. :cpp:enumerator:`tamaas::volume_2d` Model type used in elastoplastic contact: tractions are the same as with :cpp:enumerator:`tamaas::surface_2d` but the displacement is a 3D field. The enumeration values suffixed with ``_1d`` are the one dimensional (line contact) counterparts of the above model types. The domain physical dimension and number of components are encoded in the class :cpp:class:`tamaas::model_type_traits`. Model creation and basic functionality -------------------------------------- The instanciation of a :py:class:`Model ` is done with the :py:class:`ModelFactory ` class and its :py:func:`createModel ` function:: physical_size = [1., 1.] discretization = [512, 512] model = tm.ModelFactory.createModel(tm.model_type.basic_2d, physical_size, discretization) .. warning:: For models of type ``volume_*d``, the first component of the ``physical_size`` and ``discretization`` arrays corresponds to the depth dimension (:math:`z` in most cases). For example:: tm.ModelFactory.createModel(tm.model_type.basic_2d, [0.3, 1, 1], [64, 81, 81]) creates a model of depth 0.3 and surface size 1\ :superscript:`2`, while the number of points is 64 in depth and 81\ :sup:`2` on the surface. This is done for data contiguity reasons, as we do discrete Fourier transforms in the horizontal plane. .. note:: If ran in an MPI context, the method :py:meth:`createModel ` expects the *global* system sizes and discretization of the model. The properties ``E`` and ``nu`` can be used to set the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio respectively:: model.E = 1 = 0.3 Fields can be easlily accessed with the ``[]`` operator, similar to Python's dictionaries:: surface_traction = model['traction'] To know what fields are available, you can call the :py:func:`getFields ` method. You can add new fields to a model object with :py:func:`registerField `, which is convenient for dumping. A model can also be used to compute stresses from a strain field:: import numpy as np strain = np.zeros(model.shape + [6]) # Mandel--Voigt notation stress = np.zeros_like(strain) model.applyElasticity(stress, strain) Model dumpers ------------- The submodule `tamaas.dumpers` contains a number of classes to save model data into different formats: :py:class:`UVWDumper ` Dumps a model to `VTK `_ format. Requires the `UVW `_ python package which you can install with pip:: pip install uvw This dumper is made for visualization with VTK based software like `Paraview `_. :py:class:`NumpyDumper ` Dumps a model to a compressed Numpy file. :py:class:`H5Dumper ` Dumps a model to a compressed `HDF5 `_ file. Requires the `h5py `_ package. The dumpers are initialzed with a basename and the fields that you wish to write to file (optionally you can set ``all_fields`` to ``True`` to dump all fields in the model). By default, each write operation creates a new file in a separate directory (e.g. :py:class:`UVWDumper ` creates a ``paraview`` directory). To write to a specific file you can use the `dump_to_file` method. Here is a usage example:: from tamaas.dumpers import UVWDumper, H5Dumper # Create dumper uvw_dumper = UVWDumper('rough_contact_example', 'stress', 'plastic_strain') # Dump model uvw_dumper << model # Or alternatively model.addDumper(H5Dumper('rough_contact_archive', all_fields=True)) model.addDumper(uvw_dumper) model.dump() The last ``model.dump()`` call will call both dumpers. The resulting files will have the following hierachy:: ./paraview/rough_contact_example_0000.vtr ./paraview/rough_contact_example_0001.vtr ./hdf5/rough_contact_archive_0000.h5 .. note:: Currently, only :py:class:`H5Dumper ` supports parallel output with MPI.