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* @file
* @author Son Pham-Ba <>
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2016-2018 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
* Lausanne) Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des
* Solides)
* Tamaas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Tamaas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Tamaas. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "kato.hh"
#include "elastic_functional.hh"
#include "loop.hh"
#include "fft_plan_manager.hh"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iterator>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kato::Kato(Model& model, const GridBase<Real>& surface, Real tolerance,
Real mu)
: ContactSolver(model, surface, tolerance),
engine(model.getBEEngine()), mu(mu) {
if (model.getType() != model_type::surface_1d &&
model.getType() != model_type::surface_2d) {
"Model type is not compatible with Kato solver");
gap = this->_gap.get(); // locally allocated
pressure = &model.getTraction();
N = pressure->getNbPoints();
if (model.getType() == model_type::surface_1d) {
} else {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Real Kato::solve(GridBase<Real>& p0, UInt proj_iter) {
if (p0.getNbPoints() != pressure->getNbComponents()) {
"Target mean pressure does not have the right number of components");
Real cost = 0;
switch (model.getType()) {
case model_type::surface_1d:
cost = solveTmpl<model_type::surface_1d>(p0, proj_iter);
case model_type::surface_2d:
cost = solveTmpl<model_type::surface_2d>(p0, proj_iter);
return cost;
template <model_type type>
Real Kato::solveTmpl(GridBase<Real>& p0, UInt proj_iter) {
Real cost = 0;
UInt n = 0;
// Printing column headers
std::cout << std::setw(5) << "Iter"
<< " " << std::setw(15) << "Cost_f"
<< " " << std::setw(15) << "Error" << '\n'
<< std::fixed;
// setMaxIterations(10);
// setDumpFrequency(1);
do {
engine.solveNeumann(*pressure, *gap);
*gap -= surfaceComp;
*pressure -= *gap;
enforcePressureConstraints<type>(p0, proj_iter);
cost = computeCost();
printState(n, cost, cost);
} while (cost > this->tolerance && n++ < this->max_iterations);
return cost;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Real Kato::solveRelaxed(GridBase<Real>& g0) {
if (g0.getNbPoints() != pressure->getNbComponents()) {
"Target mean gap does not have the right number of components");
Real cost = 0;
switch (model.getType()) {
case model_type::surface_1d:
cost = solveRelaxedTmpl<model_type::surface_1d>(g0);
case model_type::surface_2d:
cost = solveRelaxedTmpl<model_type::surface_2d>(g0);
return cost;
template <model_type type>
Real Kato::solveRelaxedTmpl(GridBase<Real>& g0) {
constexpr UInt comp = model_type_traits<type>::components;
Real cost = 0;
UInt n = 0;
// Printing column headers
std::cout << std::setw(5) << "Iter"
<< " " << std::setw(15) << "Cost_f"
<< " " << std::setw(15) << "Error" << '\n'
<< std::fixed;
*pressure = 0;
do {
engine.solveNeumann(*pressure, *gap);
addUniform<comp>(*gap, g0);
*gap -= surfaceComp;
*pressure -= *gap;
cost = computeCost();
printState(n, cost, cost);
} while (cost > this->tolerance && n++ < this->max_iterations);
return cost;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <model_type type>
void Kato::initSurfaceWithComponents() {
constexpr UInt comp = model_type_traits<type>::components;
surfaceComp = 0;
[] CUDA_LAMBDA(Real& s, VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& sc) {
sc(comp - 1) = s;
surface, surfaceComp);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Projects $\vec{p}$ on $\mathcal{C}$ and $\mathcal{D}$.
template <model_type type>
void Kato::enforcePressureConstraints(GridBase<Real>& p0, UInt proj_iter) {
for (UInt i = 0; i < proj_iter; i++) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <model_type type>
void Kato::enforcePressureMean(GridBase<Real>& p0) {
constexpr UInt comp = model_type_traits<type>::components;
Grid<Real, 1> corr({1}, comp);
computeMean<comp>(*pressure, corr);
corr -= p0;
corr *= -1;
addUniform<comp>(*pressure, corr);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <model_type type>
void Kato::enforcePressureCoulomb() {
constexpr UInt comp = model_type_traits<type>::components;
[this] CUDA_LAMBDA(VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& p) {
VectorProxy<Real, comp - 1> p_T(p(0));
Real p_N = p(comp - 1);
Real p_T_sqrd= p_T.l2squared();
// Projection normale au cône de friction
bool cond1 = (p_N >= 0 && p_T_sqrd <= mu * mu * p_N * p_N);
bool cond2 = (p_N <= 0 && p_T_sqrd <= p_N * p_N / mu / mu);
if (cond2) {
p_T = 0;
p(comp - 1) = 0;
} else if (!cond1) {
Real p_T_norm = std::sqrt(p_T_sqrd);
Real k = (p_N + mu * p_T_norm) / (1 + mu * mu);
p_T *= k * mu / p_T_norm;
p(comp - 1) = k;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <model_type type>
void Kato::enforcePressureCoulombRegularized() {
constexpr UInt comp = model_type_traits<type>::components;
[this] CUDA_LAMBDA(VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& p,
VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& g) {
VectorProxy<Real, comp - 1> p_T(p(0));
Real p_N = p(comp - 1);
Real p_T_sqrd = p_T.l2squared();
VectorProxy<Real, comp - 1> g_T(g(0));
Real g_T_norm = g_T.l2norm();
// Projection normale au cône de friction
Real rho = 10000.0;
Real reg = rho * g_T_norm / (1 + rho * g_T_norm);
Real mu_r = mu * reg;
bool cond1 = (p_N >= 0 && p_T_sqrd <= mu_r * mu_r * p_N * p_N);
bool cond2 = (p_N <= 0 && p_T_sqrd <= p_N * p_N / mu_r / mu_r);
if (cond2) {
p_T = 0;
p(comp - 1) = 0;
} else if (!cond1) {
Real p_T_norm = std::sqrt(p_T_sqrd);
Real k = (p_N + mu_r * p_T_norm) / (1 + mu_r * mu_r);
p_T *= k * mu_r / p_T_norm;
p(comp - 1) = k;
*pressure, *gap);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Compute mean of the field taking each component separately.
template <UInt comp>
void Kato::computeMean(GridBase<Real>& field, GridBase<Real>& mean) {
auto _mean = Loop::stridedReduce<operation::plus>(
[] CUDA_LAMBDA(VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& f) -> Vector<Real, comp> {
return f;
mean = _mean;
mean /= N;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <UInt comp>
void Kato::addUniform(GridBase<Real>& field, GridBase<Real>& vec) {
VectorProxy<Real, comp> _vec(vec(0));
field += _vec;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Real Kato::computeCost() {
UInt N = pressure->getNbPoints();
Real beta = 0;
Grid<Real, 1> lambda({N}, 1);
Grid<Real, 1> eta({N}, 1);
Grid<Real, 1> p_N({N}, 1);
Grid<Real, 1> p_C({N}, 1);
switch (model.getType()) {
case model_type::surface_1d:
beta = computeBeta<model_type::surface_1d>();
computeValuesForCost<model_type::surface_1d>(beta, lambda, eta, p_N, p_C);
case model_type::surface_2d:
beta = computeBeta<model_type::surface_2d>();
computeValuesForCost<model_type::surface_2d>(beta, lambda, eta, p_N, p_C);
return +;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <model_type type>
Real Kato::computeBeta() {
constexpr UInt comp = model_type_traits<type>::components;
return Loop::stridedReduce<operation::max>(
[this] CUDA_LAMBDA(VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& g) {
VectorProxy<Real, comp - 1> g_T(g(0));
Real g_N = g(comp - 1);
Real g_T_norm = g_T.l2norm();
return mu * g_T_norm - g_N;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <model_type type>
void Kato::computeValuesForCost(Real beta, GridBase<Real>& lambda, GridBase<Real>& eta,
GridBase<Real>& p_N, GridBase<Real>& p_C) {
constexpr UInt comp = model_type_traits<type>::components;
[this, beta] CUDA_LAMBDA(VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& p,
VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& g,
Real& lambda_,
Real& eta_,
Real& p_N_,
Real& p_C_) {
VectorProxy<Real, comp - 1> g_T(g(0));
Real g_N = g(comp - 1);
Real g_T_norm = g_T.l2norm();
lambda_ = g_N - mu * g_T_norm + beta;
eta_ = g_T_norm;
VectorProxy<Real, comp - 1> p_T(p(0));
Real p_N = p(comp - 1);
Real p_T_norm = p_T.l2norm();
p_N_ = p(comp - 1);
p_C_ = mu * p_N - p_T_norm;
*pressure, *gap, lambda, eta, p_N, p_C);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <model_type type>
void Kato::computeFinalGap() {
constexpr UInt comp = model_type_traits<type>::components;
engine.solveNeumann(*pressure, *gap);
*gap -= surfaceComp;
Real g_N_min = Loop::stridedReduce<operation::min>(
[] CUDA_LAMBDA(VectorProxy<Real, comp>&& g) {
return g(comp - 1);
Grid<Real, 1> g_shift({comp}, 1);
g_shift = 0;
g_shift(comp - 1) = -g_N_min;
*gap += surfaceComp;
addUniform<comp>(*gap, g_shift);
model.getDisplacement() = *gap;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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