Tamaas --- A blazingly fast rough contact library ================================================= Tamaas is a C++/Python library that implements a number of numerical methods based on integral equations to efficiently solve contact problems with rough surfaces. The word تماس (tamaas) means "contact" in Arabic and Farsi. ## Quick Start If you have a Linux system with Python 3.7+ installed, you can simply run `pip3 install tamaas`. Note however that there may be incompatibilities between Linux distributions (the PyPI package was built on Debian Buster), so if you encounter an issue, please compile from source. ## Dependencies Here is a list of dependencies to compile Tamaas: - a //C++ compiler// with full //C++14// and //OpenMP// support - [SCons](https://scons.org/) (python build system) - [FFTW3](http://www.fftw.org/) compiled with //OpenMP// support - [boost](https://www.boost.org/) (preprocessor) - [thrust](https://github.com/thrust/thrust) (1.9.2+) - [python 3+](https://www.python.org/) (probably works with python 2, but it is not tested) with [numpy](https://numpy.org/) - [pybind11](https://github.com/pybind/pybind11) (included as submodule) - [expolit](https://c4science.ch/source/expolit/) (included as submodule) Optional dependencies are: - [scipy](https://scipy.org) (for nonlinear solvers) - [uvw](https://pypi.org/project/uvw/) (for dumpers) - [googletest](https://github.com/google/googletest) and [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/) (for tests) - [Doxygen](http://doxygen.nl/) and [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/) (for documentation) Note that a Debian distribution should have the right packages for all these dependencies (they package the right version of thrust extracted from CUDA in `stretch-backports non-free` and `buster non-free`). ## Compiling You should first clone the git submodules that are dependencies to tamaas (expolit, pybind11 and googletest): git submodule update --init --recursive The build system uses SCons. In order to compile Tamaas with the default options: scons After compiling a first time, you can edit the compilation options in the file `build-setup.conf`, or alternatively supply the options directly in the command line: scons option=value [...] To get a list of //all// build options and their possible values, you can run `scons -h`. You can run `scons -H` to see the SCons-specific options (among them `-j n` executes the build with `n` threads and `-c` cleans the build). Note that the build is aware of the `CXX` and `CXXFLAGS` environment variables. ## Installing Before you can import tamaas in python, you need to install the python package in some way. ### Using pip You have two choices to install tamaas: - An out-of-repository installation to a given prefix (e.g. `/usr/local`, or a python virtual environment) - A development installation to `~/.local` which links to the build directory The former is simply achieved with: scons prefix=/your/prefix install # Equivalent to (if you build in release) install build-release/src/libTamaas.so* /your/prefix/lib pip3 install --prefix /your/prefix build-release/python The compiled parts of the python module should automatically know where to find the Tamaas shared library, so no need to tinker with `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. The second installation choice is equally simple: scons dev # Equivalent to pip3 install --user -e build-release/python You can check that everything is working fine with: python3 -c 'import tamaas; print(tamaas)' ### Using environment variables (not recommended) You can source (e.g. in your `~/.bashrc` file) the file `build-release/tamaas_environment.sh` to modify the `PYTHONPATH` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variables. This is however not recommended because these variables may conflict in a python virtual environment (i.e. if you use `virtualenv` with tamaas). ## Tests To run tests, make sure to have [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/) installed and run `scons test` if you have compiled Tamaas with tests activated (`scons build_tests=True use_googletest=True`). ## Documentation The latest documentation is available on [ReadTheDocs](https://tamaas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)! Note however that due to technical limitations, the Python API documentation is not available online. You'll need to compile the documentation locally. To build the documentation, activate the `build_doc` option and run `scons doc`. Make sure you have [sphinx-rtd-theme](https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-rtd-theme/) and [breath](https://pypi.org/project/breathe/) installed. The compiled indexes for the doxygen C++ API and Sphinx documentation can be found in `doc/build/{doxygen,sphinx}/html/index.html`. Beware however that manually compiling documentation leads to a lot of warnings. ## Examples Example simulations can be found in the `examples/` directory. There is no guarantee that the examples in `examples/legacy/` all work however. - `rough_contact.py` shows a typical normal rough contact simulation - `adhesion.py` shows how you can derive some classes from Tamaas in python, here to implement a custom adhesion potential - `plasticity.py` computes an elastoplastic Hertz simulation and dumps the result in `examples/paraview/` in VTK format - `stresses.py` shows how you can compute stresses from a boundary traction distribution - the scripts in `pipe_tools` allow to execute elastic contact simulations without the need to code a custom script (see documentation for more details) ## Contributing Contributions to Tamaas are welcome! Please follow the guidelines below. ### Report an issue If you have an account on [c4science](https://c4science.ch), you can [submit an issue](https://c4science.ch/maniphest/task/edit/?owner=frerot&projectPHIDs=tamaas&view=public). All open issues are visible on the [workboard](https://c4science.ch/project/board/2036/), and the full list of issues is available [here](https://c4science.ch/maniphest/query/1jDBkIDDxCAP/). ### Submit a patch / pull-request C4Science runs [Phabricator](https://www.phacility.com/phabricator/) to host the code. The procedure to submit changes to repositories is described in this [guide](https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/arcanist_diff/). In a nutshell: ```lang=bash # Make changes git commit # Any number of times arc diff # Pushes all new commits for review # Wait for review... ``` ## Citing Tamaas is the result of a science research project. To give proper credit to Tamaas and the researchers who have developed the numerical methods that it implements, please cite Tamaas as: Frérot , L., Anciaux, G., Rey, V., Pham-Ba, S., & Molinari, J.-F. Tamaas: a library for elastic-plastic contact of periodic rough surfaces. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(51), 2121 (2020). [doi:10.21105/joss.02121](https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02121) If you use the elastic-plastic contact capabilities of Tamaas, please cite: Frérot, L., Bonnet, M., Molinari, J.-F. & Anciaux, G. A Fourier-accelerated volume integral method for elastoplastic contact. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 351, 951–976 (2019) [doi:10.1016/j.cma.2019.04.006](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2019.04.006). If you use the adhesive contact capabilities of Tamaas, please cite: Rey, V., Anciaux, G. & Molinari, J.-F. Normal adhesive contact on rough surfaces: efficient algorithm for FFT-based BEM resolution. Comput Mech 1–13 (2017) [doi:10.1007/s00466-017-1392-5](https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-017-1392-5). ## License Tamaas is distributed under the terms of the [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).