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* @file
* @author Lucas Frérot <>
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2016 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
* Lausanne) Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des
* Solides)
* Tamaas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Tamaas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Tamaas. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "tamaas.hh"
#include "grid.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static std::complex<Real> dummy;
* @brief Multi-dimensional, multi-component herimitian array
* This class represents an array of hermitian data, meaning it has dimensions
* of: n1 * n2 * n3 * ... * (nx / 2 + 1)
* However, it acts as a fully dimensioned array, returning a dummy reference
* for data outside its real dimension, allowing one to write full (and
* inefficient) loops without really worrying about the reduced dimension.
* It would however be better to just use the true dimensions of the surface
* for all intents and purposes, as it saves computation time.
template <typename T, UInt dim>
class GridHermitian : public Grid<std::complex<T>, dim> {
typedef std::complex<T> value_type;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constructors */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
GridHermitian() = default;
GridHermitian(const GridHermitian & o) = default;
GridHermitian(GridHermitian && o) = default;
using Grid<value_type, dim>::Grid;
using Grid<std::complex<T>, dim>::operator=;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Access operators */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename... T1>
inline std::complex<T> & operator()(T1... args);
template <typename... T1>
inline const std::complex<T> & operator()(T1... args) const;
static std::array<UInt, dim> hermitianDimensions(const std::array<UInt, dim> & n) {
std::array<UInt, dim> hn(n);
hn[dim-1] /= 2;
hn[dim-1] += 1;
return hn;
template <typename... T1>
inline void packTuple(UInt * t, UInt i, T1... args) const;
template <typename... T1>
inline void packTuple(UInt * t, UInt i) const;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Inline function definitions */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T, UInt dim>
template <typename... T1>
inline void GridHermitian<T, dim>::packTuple(UInt * t, UInt i, T1... args) const {
*t = i;
packTuple(t+1, args...);
template <typename T, UInt dim>
template <typename... T1>
inline void GridHermitian<T, dim>::packTuple(UInt * t, UInt i) const {
*t = i;
template <typename T, UInt dim>
template <typename... T1>
inline std::complex<T> & GridHermitian<T, dim>::operator()(T1... args) {
static_assert(sizeof...(T1) == dim + 1 || sizeof...(T1) == 1,
"operator() does not match dimension");
if (sizeof...(T1) == 1 && dim != 1) {
UInt tuple[1] = {0};
packTuple(tuple, args...);
if (tuple[0] >= this->data.size()) {
TAMAAS_DEBUG_EXCEPTION("out of bonds access on hermitian surface");
else return this->Grid<std::complex<T>, dim>::operator()(args...);
else {
std::array<UInt, dim+1> tuple = {{0}};
packTuple(, args...);
// reverse tuple if necessary
if (tuple[dim-1] >= this->n[dim-1]) {
for (UInt i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++) {
if (tuple[i] && i != dim-1)
tuple[i] = this->n[i]-tuple[i];
else if (tuple[i] && i == dim-1)
tuple[i] = 2*(this->n[i]-1) - tuple[i];
dummy = std::conj(this->Grid<std::complex<T>, dim>::operator()(tuple));
return dummy;
} else {
return this->Grid<std::complex<T>, dim>::operator()(tuple);
template <typename T, UInt dim>
template <typename... T1>
inline const std::complex<T> & GridHermitian<T, dim>::operator()(T1... args) const {
static_assert(sizeof...(T1) == dim + 1 || sizeof...(T1) == 1,
"operator() does not match dimension");
if (sizeof...(T1) == 1 && dim != 1) {
UInt tuple[1] = {0};
packTuple(tuple, args...);
if (tuple[0] >= this->data.size()) {
TAMAAS_DEBUG_EXCEPTION("out of bonds access on hermitian surface");
else return this->Grid<std::complex<T>, dim>::operator()(args...);
else {
std::array<UInt, dim+1> tuple = {{0}};
packTuple(, args...);
// reverse tuple if necessary
if (tuple[dim-1] >= this->n[dim-1]) {
for (UInt i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++) {
if (tuple[i] && i != dim-1)
tuple[i] = this->n[i]-tuple[i];
else if (tuple[i] && i == dim-1)
tuple[i] = 2*(this->n[i]-1) - tuple[i];
dummy = std::conj(this->Grid<std::complex<T>, dim>::operator()(tuple));
return dummy;
} else {
return this->Grid<std::complex<T>, dim>::operator()(tuple);
#endif // __GRID_HERMITIAN_HH__

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