PHP client for Tequila, v. 2.0.4 (Tue Nov 14 10:47:18 CET 2006) (C) 2004, Lionel Clavien [lionel dot clavien AT epfl dot ch] This code was released under the GNU GPL-2.0-only terms until 2021-07. From 2021-07 on, it is released under the GNU GPL-3.0-or-later Changelog: 0.1.0, 2004-06-27: Creation 0.1.1, 2004-08-29: Changed RSA authentication method to use the new server certificate in lieu of the server public key [openssl bug ?] 0.1.2, 2004-09-04: Configuration options put in ...... 2.0.3 : I forgot. 2.0.4 : Fix problem with cookie. Now it is a session cookie. 2.0.5 : Fix ERROR_SESSION_FILE (replace with ERROR_SESSION_FILE_FORMAT). Fix bug in fetchAttributes(). 3.0.0 : Big rewrite. Fix session time out use PHP sessions hide key attribute in urlaccess. 3.0.1 : Fix INFO_PATH & QUERY_STRING test. 3.0.2 : 2011-08-05 : Include comments from Lucien Chaboudez Define MIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT Delete cookie with explicit root path 3.0.3 : 2012-04-12 : Patch from Lucien Chaboudez LoadSession :Check if all the wanted attributes are present in the $_SESSION. TODO: - implement more documented features (allows, ?)