function [controller, sol,solveTime] = sisoFF(system,obj,cons,params) % sisoff(system,objectives,constaints,parameters) % % Author: Philippe Schuchert % % EPFL % June 2021 % % Implementation of the data-driven approach for (Feedforward) SISO systems. % % [System] Must specify the model, frequency grid and initial controller. % See an example in the RotarySISO.m file. The model must be able to be % evaluated at the specified frequency grid w using freqresp(xxx,w). % % [objectives] Entries of this structure must be able to be evaluates at % the speficied frequency grid w using freqresp(xxx,w). Note that for % feedforward only objectives on the tracking error are implementend, ie % objectives.two.W1 and objectives.inf.W1. % % [constraints] Entries of this structure must be able to be evaluates at % the speficied frequency grid w using freqresp(xxx,w) % % [parameters] If the stability constaints are not needed (dangerous, but % time saving), set parameters.radius=0 and parameters.robustNyquist=0. system.controller_ff.theta = @(t) 1; sznum = size(system.controller_ff.num); szden = size(system.controller_ff.den); system.controller_ff.num = system.controller_ff.num(:); system.controller_ff.den = system.controller_ff.den(:); [controller, sol,solveTime] = datadriven.lpvFF(system,obj,cons,params); controller.num = reshape(controller.num,sznum); controller.den = reshape(controller.den,szden); controller = rmfield(controller,'theta'); end