Installing TensorFlow with GPU Support for Windows in order to use CARE
= Prerequisites =
# Get latest [[|NVIDIA drivers]]
# Get [[|CUDA 10.0 Toolkit]]
# Get [[|cuDNN for CUDA 10.0]] (Needs you to login)
# Get [[|Python 3.7]]
After installing python, install pip and virtualenv.
Start `cmd` as an administrator and use
`python -m pip install --upgrade pip`
`pip install virtualenv`
= Setup =
1. Create the virtual environement wherever you want, for example `D:\CARE-TF-GPU`
`virtualenv -p python D:\CARE-TF-GPU\`
2. Activate the virtual environement
2. Install `tensorflow-gpu`, `csbdeep` and `jupyter notebook`
`pip install tensorflow-gpu csbdeep jupyter notebook`
D:\care-oli>jupyter --paths