====== IPESE ======
====== (Industrial Process & Energy System Engineering) ======
The [[http://ipese.epfl.ch/ipese/aboutus|Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering]] (IPESE) group created in 2013 is headed by [[http://people.epfl.ch/francois.marechal|Prof. François Maréchal]].
In the [[http://sti.epfl.ch/mechanical-engineering|school of Mechanical engineering]], IPESE is a member of the Institute of Energy Sciences (ISE) in the faculty of "Sciences et Techniques de l'ingénieur [[http://sti.epfl.ch/|(STI)]] at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Lausanne [[http://www.epfl.ch/|(EPFL)]].
IPESE research group is working on the process and energy system engineering for efficient use and reuse of energy, efficient energy conversion, integration of renewable energies and complex system integration, using :
* **Thermo-economic-environmental modeling**
* Process and energy system integration
* Modeling the possible interactions in the system
* Energy-water-waste use and management integration
* Renewable energy integration
* **Multi-objective optimization for decision support**
* Thermo-economic and environomic Pareto
* Life cycle environmental impact assessment
* **Understanding the energetics of complex systems**
* Thermodynamic methods and metrics for system analysis and design