= Notepad++ =
== Installation ==
Get the latest version at https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and make sure you download the **32-bit version**, as this one has a few plugins pre-installed.
== ImageJ Macro code highlight ==
You can dowload (right-clic, save link as...) {F253439} or find it on our server `\\svfas6\biop\biop\Informatique\Software\Notepad++\`
To import into Notepad++
From Notepad++
{nav Language > Define your language... > Import... }
You should then see a `ijm` appearing under `Define your language`
== Export highlighted code to Powerpoint, Word, etc... ==
Select the code you want to export and go to
{nav Plugins > NppExport > Copy RTF to clipboard}
You can then paste directly into Word or Powerpoint