= Program =
=Wednesday, 28.08.2019=
[[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJUA0iMJflM_cff6voWX_J8F5Q7JYh0QR2DPIIvsPgw/edit?usp=sharing | Minutes of the Day]]
== I. Morning Session, [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==SV%201717 | Room SV1717]] ==
| Start | End | Title | Speaker |
|8:30 | 9:00 | Registration & Coffee| |
|9:00 | 9:15 | Welcome| |
|9:15 | 10:00 | **ALICe: Advanced Light-Sheet Imaging Center. Full service in a microscopy core facilty **| //Laura Batti// |
|10:00 | 10:45 | **Quality control ** | //Laurent Gelman // |
|10:45 | 11:15 | Coffee break | |
|11:15 | 12:15 | **Companies as career option** | //Jens Rietdorf, Nathalie Garin// |
|12:15 | 12:30 | **Update LS2+ SSOM** | //Oliver Biehlmaier// |
== II. Lunch Break , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%200%2094.22 | MED Hall]] ==
During the Lunch break , poster session and visit of BIOP Facility.
=== BIOP visits ===
You can [[ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kYnh20rDn73yuejiw2RU29hWrMGQ2MggL5XB4N5Si9Q/edit?usp=sharing | register on this page ]] (max 15 persons per group)
|12:40 | 13:00 | Group 1 | Departure from SV1717 |
|13:00 | 13:20 | Group 2 | Departure from MED Hall |
|13:20 | 13:40 | Group 3 | Departure from MED Hall |
== III. Afternoon Session , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%200%2094.22 | MED Hall]] ==
| Start | End | Title | Room |
| 14:00 | 14:10 | Introduction Round table discussions | [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%201522 | MED 2 1522]] |
| 14:10 | 14:50 | Round 1 | [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%201522 | MED 2 1522]] , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%202423 | MED 2 2423]] , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%201%201815 | MED 1 1815]] |
| 14:50 | 15:30 | Round 2 |[[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%201522 | MED 2 1522]] , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%202423 | MED 2 2423]] , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%201%201815 | MED 1 1815]] |
| 15:30 | 16:00 | Coffee Break | [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%200%2094.22 | MED Hall]] |
| 16:00 | 16:40 | Round 3 |[[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%201522 | MED 2 1522]] , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%202423 | MED 2 2423]] , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%201%201815 | MED 1 1815]] |
| 16:40 | 17:15 | Wrap up | [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%201522 | MED 2 1522]] |
| 17:15 | ... | "Apéro" | [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%200%2094.22 | MED Hall]] |
| Room |Topic| Link |
| [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%201522 | MED 2 1522]] | Usage of high-end technology in core facilities. Challenges and pitfalls. | [[ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KKu9vBtZL5DoTElrOESUrpD8wRxRdzMRq2OxqbQspEo/edit?usp=sharing |Minutes]] |
| [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%202%202423 | MED 2 2423]] | How to implement and support machine learning and deep learning in core facilities? | [[ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Un8FPau5dnoZ61j7J18Qj2IJw-pNUNs-ziHl2Pl9mu0/edit?usp=sharing |Minutes]] |
| [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%201%201815 | MED 1 1815]] | Quality control in core facilities: How much is needed and how much is done? | [[ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qkb0wz-5E1EaGW9GkVwvLpBoV0MxsMMP7Cd0HQSxQGw/edit?usp=sharing |Minutes]] |
== IV. "Apéro" , [[ https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MED%200%2094.22 | MED Hall]] ==
An "Apéro" will be served from 17:15
= Minutes =
[[ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJUA0iMJflM_cff6voWX_J8F5Q7JYh0QR2DPIIvsPgw/edit?usp=sharing | Public minutes ]] with useful links ...