= RENKU's motto=
"Renku makes it simple to reuse code and data in other projects."
Renku is freely accessible at [[ https://renkulab.io/| https://renkulab.io/]] with free project creation, and free resources of COU and RAM.
The SV-IT installed and take care of a "private" RENKU, accessible at [[ sv-renku.epfl.ch | sv-renku.epfl.ch]], which is currently equipped with 8 GPUs ([[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_Tesla | Nvidia K40 ]])
**Only** the users from SV have a direct access ( //via// gaspar login).
Users from a different faculty can request a "test" access, //via // email to SV-IT to Nicolas Barriere.
= RENKU BIOP usage =
We see in RENKU a powerful tool to ease the access to cutting edge DeepLearning tools.
BUT it's also much more , please visit [[ https://renkulab.io/ | renkulab ]]
= RENKU Tutorial =
you can test the Brainreg demo on [[ https://renkulab.io/projects/guiet.romain/brainreg | renkulab.io/brainreg ]] using this short tutorial:
= RENKU Templates =
You can easily start a new project , using the button {key New_project}
You'll have to define a name
and if you want to use a Template from **`RENKU`**
or a **`CUSTOM`**
= Some CUSTOM Templates =
Some templates can be found [[ https://github.com/BIOP/renku-templates | BIOP github page ]] and [[ https://github.com/gavin-k-lee/contributed-project-templates | SDSC pages ]]