= Installing and using romero.gateway package in RStudio =
== Windows ==
This example uses Windows 10, other Windows version should be similar.
- Install a JDK, for example [[ https://adoptopenjdk.net/ | AdoptOpenJDK ]]. Make sure to tick the checkbox to set the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables during the installation.
- In Rstudio, go to `Tools` > `Install Packages...`
- Install the dependencies `httr`, `jpeg` and `rJava` from CRAN:
- Download the latest `romero.gateway` release zip from [[ https://github.com/ome/rOMERO-gateway/releases | Github ]] and install it:
= Analyze OMERO data using R =
Load the library:
Connect to OMERO (Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your gaspar credentials)
server <- OMEROServer(host = 'omero.epfl.ch', port = 4064, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
server <- connect(server)
paste('Successfully logged in as', server@user$getUserName())
You can see examples on how to analyze OMERO data with R in this [[ https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/ome/omero-guide-r/master?filepath=notebooks/idr0021_Segmentation.ipynb | jupyter notebook ]]:
This notebook uses the EBImage package. If you don't have it, you can download it from [[https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/EBImage.html | here ]].