# Use: Converting non-FIJI-Happy Video Formats to PNGs for import
## Installation
Choose your Platform
Shortcuts for last stable build on 2021 07 21:
Windows: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-release-full.7z
Mac: https://evermeet.cx/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-4.4.7z
Unzip into a folder
## Use
# Locate the folder where you unzipped ffmpeg
# Copy the video you want to convert into that folder, example here will be called "`test video.mov`"
# Create an `output` folder in the same folder
# Start Terminal and navigate to the folder where you unzipped it.
# Type the following (this should be in mac, for windows, change the separators)
/bin/ffmpeg -i "test video.mov" output\test_video%3d.png
## Explanation
`-i` denotes the input file, which is provided right after
`output\test_video%3d.tif` is the name of the output file, the `%3d` means that we want the number of the frame there, with three times zero padding (000, 001, 002, ...)
## Open in FIJI
# Drag and drop the `output` folder into FIJI to import all the frames as a stack.
# Save the open file as a tif for convenient reopening.
# Delete the contents of the 'output` folder