WARNING: This is a beta feature
We're using Docker containers to build project code on Jenkins. It allows building procedures to use lightweight linux environment, well suited for reproducible builds. Docker containers have a change history that makes it easy to link to a particular build, roll back and ship software. Images are built using dependencies, and thus are easy to upgrade system wide and application wide without impacting final software so much.
## Build with docker
* Jenkins automatically spawns a fresh container for you, based on our **jenkins-1** image
* ~~You can commit your image if the build is successfull and thus examine it and ship it at a particular release with the software stack that built it~~
* ~~You can provide a custom image yourself from an external repository, every GNU/Linux distribution are supported~~
* Contact us if you want to add your own Docker image
### Commit successfull builds
{F353, size=full}
## What others do
* Docker containers for Genome assembly http://nucleotid.es/