***DeconvolutionLab2 Beta 1***
[[ http://bigwww.epfl.ch/deconvolution/deconvolutionlab2/ | http://bigwww.epfl.ch/deconvolution/deconvolutionlab2/ ]]
**Features to add in the next releases**
- Icy interface
- Matlab interface
- Improve the feed-back in the progress bar
- Memory tracker and free large signals
D. Sage, L. Donati, F. Soulez, D. Fortun, G. Schmit, A. Seitz, R. Guiet, C. Vonesch, M. Unser,
"DeconvolutionLab2 : An Open-Source Software for Deconvolution Microscopy"
Methods, in press, 2017.