This aims to be an exhaustive list of Gists that are of relevance to the BIOP and that were produced by us
| **[[|ColocExamples.m ]]** | Using the Coloc Function in EasyXT | Olivier Burri | `#Imaris`, `#EasyXT`, `#Coloc`, `#Matlab`, `#BIOP` | 2020/10/22 |
| **[[|Export Annotations For Stardist.groovy ]]** | [QuPath Script To Export Annotations For Stardist] this script will take rectangular annotations in QuPath and export them and their containing objects as images and masks for deep neural netowrk training | Olivier Burri | `#qupath`, `#stardist`, `#BIOP` | 2020/10/22 |
| **[[|Export_Images_Folder.ijm ]]** | Extract multi-series file and resave as TIFF stacks or slices | Olivier Burri | `#Fiji`, `#ImageJ`, `#Macro`, `#BIOP` | 2020/10/22 |
| **[[|FlatField_And_Stitch.groovy ]]** | [Flatfield correction followed by stitching] Performs a flatfield correction and stitching from Raw LIF, CZI and LSM files using plugins in Fiji | Olivier Burri | `#Fiji`, `#Stitching`, `#Groovy`, `#Flatfield`, `#LIF`, `#LSM`, `#CZI`, `#BIOP` | 2020/10/22 |
| **[[|Local_Thickness_Parallel.groovy ]]** | [Run Fiji Local Thickness in Parallel] this script can crop blob-like objects in an image using `Find Maxima` and runs `Local Thickness` on each cropped image. | Olivier Burri | `#fiji`, `#imagej`, `#imagesc`, `#localthickness`, `#BIOP` | 2020/10/22 |
| **[[|Normalize_Line_Straighten.ijm ]]** | [Nomalize Line Profile] Normalizes line profiles by making use of the Straighten command followed by scaling | Olivier Burri | `#Macro`, `#ImageJ`, `#Fiji`, `#BIOP` | 2020/10/22 |
| **[[|Prune_Skeleton_Ends.bsh ]]** | [Prune Skeleton Ends] Script to prune skeletons endpoints whose branches are shorter than the specified distance | Olivier Burri | `#Beanshell`, `#ImageJ`, `#Fiji`, `#Skeleton`, `#BIOP` | 2020/10/22 |
| **[[|Pseudo_3D_Gaussian_Fit_Using_Reslice.ijm ]]** | Reslices a dataset, fits gaussians in 2D before performing a 1D fit in Z | Olivier Burri | `#ImageJ`, `#Macro`, `#Fiji`, `#BIOP` | 2020/10/22 |