(IMPORTANT) BIOP is recommending you to make publicly available your Image Processing and Analysis workflow.
To do so, please make publicly available:
- the dataset (or at least a part of it, eg the images used in one of the figures),
- the script(s)
- a brief description of the **Image Processing and Analysis Workflow** (we'll provide one for the scripts we made for you)
Several platforms exist, please check the //"non-exhaustive//" list below and do not hesitate to [[ https://www.epfl.ch/research/facilities/ptbiop/staff/ | contact us ]].
= Sharing Data of a Publication =
| Platform | Size Limit per Dataset| Increase the limit | Preview of Files | Example | Conditions in brief |
| [[ https://zenodo.org/ | zenodo]]| 50 Go | contact them | Preview of pdf files | [[ https://zenodo.org/record/4058414#.X6PcBkeSmUk | DEVILS dataset ]] | |
| [[ https://figshare.com/ | figshare]] | 20 Go | with fees | [[https://figshare.com/collections/Data_DEVILS_a_tool_for_the_visualization_of_large_datasets_with_a_high_dynamic_range/5197940 | DEVILS dataset ]] | ? | |
| [[ https://idr.openmicroscopy.org/ | idr ]]| 1000Go | contact them | images can be explored via Omero| [[ https://idr.openmicroscopy.org/search/?query=Name:idr0061 | Time-lapse ]] from [[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-10446-z#MOESM4 | Wolf et al. 2019 ]] | Complete datasets - not just images supporting one figure in the publication , preferably CC-BY licence , [[ https://idr.openmicroscopy.org/about/submission.html | see more about submission]]|
== Zenodo ==
{F15524715, size=full}
== IDR ==
explore the dataset online
= Sharing Data before publication =