= Nani Kore? =
Stephan Preibisch and the teams at MPI-CBG created a CUDA Deconvolution Library that their MultiView Reconstruction tool can use in order to Fuse/Deconvolve MultiView Lightsheet Images with beads.
But this involves compiling a DLL on the machine that will run the deconvolution, and is not as simple as just downloading the library because
1. It is dependent on the system architecture
2. It is dependent on the GPU that is used.
It would be too tedious to offer libraries for each GPU so you'll have to suffer through this thing at least once (per machine)
= Installation =
You need to install a lot of stuff to build these CUDA libraries
1. **[[https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/| Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition]]** that contains the compiler
2. **[[https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit| NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit]]** that contains the libraries we need
3. **[[https://cmake.org/download/|CMAKE]]** that simplifies (and I am not even joking) the building of these libraries
4. **[[https://github.com/StephanPreibisch/FourierConvolutionCUDALib| The Source Code from GitHub we will be building]]**
= Build =
Install all of the 3 tools first, then clone or copy the GitHub project somewhere.
Suppose the project was copied to `C:\cuda-fft-lib\`
Moreover, suppose we want the final results to be under `C:/compiled-cuda-fft-lib\`
Start the specialized **x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017** prompt {key Win } + start typing `x64`
Then you can run the following sequence
cd C:\cuda-fft-lib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/compiled-cuda-fft-lib\ ..
cmake.exe --build . --target install --config Release
That should give you the files in the `lib` folder of `C:/compiled-cuda-fft-lib\` that you can now move into the Fiji folder!