When prompted by IDR to check the integrity of the files we sent to them, they sent us back a text file with the MD5 hashes of each file, which then needed to be compared. This is to ensure integrity of the transfer.
= Generating Hashes from a folder =
There are multiple ways to do this
== Via PowerShell ==
Run this command:
Get-ChildItem -Path YOURFOLDER -Recurse -Force -File |
Get-FileHash |
Sort-Object -Property 'Path' |
Export-Csv -Path "file-hashes.csv" -NoTypeInformation
== Via Windows Command Line ==
You need to install [[ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/windows-security/fciv-availability-and-description | FCIV from Microsoft]] as per the instruction in that link, then type
fciv YOURFOLDER -r | file-hashes.txt
= Comapring Hashes =
Oli made a quick script to do this, but it's not perfect.