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import * as React from 'react';
import { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '@mui/types';
import { Theme } from '../createTheme';
import {
} from '../styleFunctionSx';
export type PropsFor<SomeStyleFunction> = SomeStyleFunction extends StyleFunction<infer Props>
? Props
: never;
export type StyleFunction<Props> = (props: Props) => any;
export type SimpleStyleFunction<PropKey extends keyof any> = StyleFunction<
Partial<Record<PropKey, any>>
> & { filterProps: string[] };
// borders.js
export declare const borders: SimpleStyleFunction<
| 'border'
| 'borderTop'
| 'borderRight'
| 'borderBottom'
| 'borderLeft'
| 'borderColor'
| 'borderRadius'
export declare const display: SimpleStyleFunction<
'display' | 'displayPrint' | 'overflow' | 'textOverflow' | 'visibility' | 'whiteSpace'
export declare const flexbox: SimpleStyleFunction<
| 'flexBasis'
| 'flexDirection'
| 'flexWrap'
| 'justifyContent'
| 'alignItems'
| 'alignContent'
| 'order'
| 'flex'
| 'flexGrow'
| 'flexShrink'
| 'alignSelf'
| 'justifyItems'
| 'justifySelf'
export declare const grid: SimpleStyleFunction<
| 'gap'
| 'columnGap'
| 'rowGap'
| 'gridColumn'
| 'gridRow'
| 'gridAutoFlow'
| 'gridAutoColumns'
| 'gridAutoRows'
| 'gridTemplateColumns'
| 'gridTemplateRows'
| 'gridTemplateAreas'
| 'gridArea'
export declare const palette: SimpleStyleFunction<'bgcolor' | 'color'>;
export declare const positions: SimpleStyleFunction<
'zIndex' | 'position' | 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left'
export declare const shadows: SimpleStyleFunction<'boxShadow'>;
export declare const sizing: SimpleStyleFunction<
| 'width'
| 'maxWidth'
| 'minWidth'
| 'height'
| 'maxHeight'
| 'minHeight'
| 'sizeWidth'
| 'sizeHeight'
| 'boxSizing'
export declare const spacing: SimpleStyleFunction<
| 'm'
| 'mt'
| 'mr'
| 'mb'
| 'ml'
| 'mx'
| 'my'
| 'p'
| 'pt'
| 'pr'
| 'pb'
| 'pl'
| 'px'
| 'py'
| 'margin'
| 'marginTop'
| 'marginRight'
| 'marginBottom'
| 'marginLeft'
| 'marginX'
| 'marginY'
| 'padding'
| 'paddingTop'
| 'paddingRight'
| 'paddingBottom'
| 'paddingLeft'
| 'paddingX'
| 'paddingY'
export declare const typography: SimpleStyleFunction<
| 'typography'
| 'fontFamily'
| 'fontSize'
| 'fontStyle'
| 'fontWeight'
| 'letterSpacing'
| 'lineHeight'
| 'textAlign'
| 'textTransform'
// compose.js
* given a list of StyleFunction return the intersection of the props each individual
* StyleFunction requires.
* If `firstFn` requires { color: string } and `secondFn` requires { spacing: number }
* their composed function requires { color: string, spacing: number }
type ComposedArg<T> = T extends Array<(arg: infer P) => any> ? P : never;
type ComposedOwnerState<T> = ComposedArg<T>;
export type ComposedStyleFunction<T extends Array<StyleFunction<any>>> = StyleFunction<
> & { filterProps: string[] };
export interface CustomSystemProps extends AliasesCSSProperties, OverwriteCSSProperties {}
export type SimpleSystemKeys = keyof PropsFor<
typeof borders,
typeof display,
typeof flexbox,
typeof grid,
typeof palette,
typeof positions,
typeof shadows,
typeof sizing,
typeof spacing,
typeof typography,
// The SimpleSystemKeys are subset of the AllSystemCSSProperties, so this should be ok
// This is needed as these are used as keys inside AllSystemCSSProperties
type StandardSystemKeys = Extract<SimpleSystemKeys, keyof AllSystemCSSProperties>;
export type SystemProps<Theme extends object = {}> = {
[K in StandardSystemKeys]?:
| ResponsiveStyleValue<AllSystemCSSProperties[K]>
| ((theme: Theme) => ResponsiveStyleValue<AllSystemCSSProperties[K]>);
export interface BoxTypeMap<P = {}, D extends React.ElementType = 'div'> {
props: P &
SystemProps<Theme> & {
children?: React.ReactNode;
* The component used for the root node.
* Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
component?: React.ElementType;
ref?: React.Ref<unknown>;
* The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles.
sx?: SxProps<Theme>;
defaultComponent: D;
* Demos:
* - [Box (Material UI)](
* - [Box (MUI System)](
* API:
* - [Box API](
declare const Box: OverridableComponent<BoxTypeMap>;
export type BoxProps<
D extends React.ElementType = BoxTypeMap['defaultComponent'],
P = {},
> = OverrideProps<BoxTypeMap<P, D>, D>;
export default Box;

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