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Mon, Feb 3, 16:23


import * as React from 'react';
import DropdownMenu, { DropdownMenuProps, UseDropdownMenuMetadata, UseDropdownMenuOptions } from './DropdownMenu';
import DropdownToggle, { DropdownToggleProps, UseDropdownToggleMetadata } from './DropdownToggle';
import { DropdownItemProps } from './DropdownItem';
import { SelectCallback } from './types';
import { Placement } from './usePopper';
export type { DropdownMenuProps, UseDropdownMenuMetadata, UseDropdownMenuOptions, DropdownToggleProps, UseDropdownToggleMetadata, DropdownItemProps, };
export interface DropdownInjectedProps {
onKeyDown: React.KeyboardEventHandler;
export declare type ToggleEvent = React.SyntheticEvent | KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent;
export interface ToggleMetadata {
source: string | undefined;
originalEvent: ToggleEvent | undefined;
export interface DropdownProps {
* The PopperJS placement for positioning the Dropdown menu in relation to
* its Toggle.
* @default 'bottom-start'
placement?: Placement;
* Sets the initial visibility of the Dropdown.
defaultShow?: boolean;
* Whether or not the Dropdown is visible.
* @controllable onToggle
show?: boolean;
* A callback fired when a DropdownItem has been selected.
onSelect?: SelectCallback;
* A callback fired when the Dropdown wishes to change visibility. Called with
* the requested `show` value, the DOM event, and the source that fired it:
* `'click'`,`'keydown'`,`'rootClose'`, or `'select'`.
* ```ts static
* function(
* nextShow: boolean,
* meta: ToggleMetadata,
* ): void
* ```
* @controllable show
onToggle?: (nextShow: boolean, meta: ToggleMetadata) => void;
* A css selector string that will return __focusable__ menu items.
* Selectors should be relative to the menu component:
* e.g. ` > li:not('.disabled')`
itemSelector?: string;
* Controls the focus behavior for when the Dropdown is opened. Set to
* `true` to always focus the first menu item, `keyboard` to focus only when
* navigating via the keyboard, or `false` to disable completely
* The Default behavior is `false` **unless** the Menu has a `role="menu"`
* where it will default to `keyboard` to match the recommended [ARIA Authoring
* practices](
focusFirstItemOnShow?: boolean | 'keyboard';
* A render prop that returns the root dropdown element. The `props`
* argument should spread through to an element containing _both_ the
* menu and toggle in order to handle keyboard events for focus management.
* @type {Function ({
* props: {
* onKeyDown: (SyntheticEvent) => void,
* },
* }) => React.Element}
children: React.ReactNode;
* @displayName Dropdown
* @public
declare function Dropdown({ defaultShow, show: rawShow, onSelect, onToggle: rawOnToggle, itemSelector, focusFirstItemOnShow, placement, children, }: DropdownProps): JSX.Element;
declare namespace Dropdown {
var displayName: string;
var Menu: typeof DropdownMenu;
var Toggle: typeof DropdownToggle;
var Item: import("./types").DynamicRefForwardingComponent<React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<import("./Button").ButtonProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLElement>>, DropdownItemProps>;
export default Dropdown;

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