<li>group2-ID = ID of second group, bonds will be between atoms in the 2 groups</li>
<li>btype = bond type of created bonds</li>
<li>rmin = minimum distance between pair of atoms to bond together</li>
<li>rmax = minimum distance between pair of atoms to bond together</li>
<h2>Examples<aclass="headerlink"href="#examples"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<divclass="highlight-python"><divclass="highlight"><pre>create_bonds all all 1 1.0 1.2
create_bonds surf solvent 3 2.0 2.4
<h2>Description<aclass="headerlink"href="#description"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>Create bonds between pairs of atoms that meet specified distance
criteria. The bond interactions can then be computed during a
simulation by the bond potential defined by the
<aclass="reference internal"href="bond_style.html"><em>bond_style</em></a> and <aclass="reference internal"href="bond_coeff.html"><em>bond_coeff</em></a>
commands. This command is useful for adding bonds to a system,
e.g. between nearest neighbors in a lattice of atoms, without having
to enumerate all the bonds in the data file read by the
<p>Note that the flexibility of this command is limited. It can be used
several times to create different types of bond at different
distances. But it cannot typically create all the bonds that would
normally be defined in a complex system of molecules. Also note that
this command does not add any 3-body or 4-body interactions which,
depending on your model, may be induced by added bonds,
e.g. <aclass="reference internal"href="angle_style.html"><em>angle</em></a>, <aclass="reference internal"href="dihedral_style.html"><em>dihedral</em></a>, or
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