returnclean("\n %ctippy.js\n\n %c"+clean(message)+"\n\n %c\uD83D\uDC77\u200D This is a development-only message. It will be removed in production.\n ");
errorWhen(didPassFalsyValue,['tippy() was passed','`'+String(targets)+'`','as its targets (first) argument. Valid types are: String, Element,','Element[], or NodeList.'].join(' '));
errorWhen(didPassPlainObject,['tippy() was passed a plain object which is not supported as an argument','for virtual positioning. Use props.getReferenceClientRect instead.'].join(' '));
warnWhen(didPassUnknownProp,["`"+prop+"`","is not a valid prop. You may have spelled it incorrectly, or if it's",'a plugin, forgot to pass it in an array as props.plugins.','\n\n','All props:\n','Plugins:'].join(' '));
}// The popper element needs to exist on the DOM before its position can be
// updated as Popper needs to read its dimensions
/* istanbul ignore else */
// Accessibility check
warnWhen(instance.props.interactive&&appendTo===defaultProps.appendTo&&node.nextElementSibling!==popper,['Interactive tippy element may not be accessible via keyboard','navigation because it is not directly after the reference element','in the DOM source order.','\n\n','Using a wrapper <div> or <span> tag around the reference element','solves this by creating a new parentNode context.','\n\n','Specifying `appendTo: document.body` silences this warning, but it','assumes you are using a focus management solution to handle','keyboard navigation.','\n\n','See:'].join(' '));
warnWhen(isSingleContentElement&&isMoreThanOneReferenceElement,['tippy() was passed an Element as the `content` prop, but more than','one tippy instance was created by this invocation. This means the','content element will only be appended to the last tippy instance.','\n\n','Instead, pass the .innerHTML of the element, or use a function that','returns a cloned version of the element instead.','\n\n','1) content: element.innerHTML\n','2) content: () => element.cloneNode(true)'].join(' '));
errorWhen(!Array.isArray(tippyInstances),['The first argument passed to createSingleton() must be an array of','tippy instances. The passed value was',String(tippyInstances)].join(' '));
* Creates a delegate instance that controls the creation of tippy instances
* for child elements (`target` CSS selector).
/* istanbul ignore else */
errorWhen(!(props&&,['You must specity a `target` prop indicating a CSS selector string matching','the target elements that should receive a tippy.'].join(' '));