gutil.template('test <%= name %> <%= file.path %>', opt) // test todd /js/hi.js
### log(msg...)
Logs stuff. Already prefixed with [gulp] and all that. If you pass in multiple arguments it will join them by a space.
The default gulp coloring using gutil.colors.<color>:
values (files, module names, etc.) = cyan
numbers (times, counts, etc) = magenta
### colors
Is an instance of [chalk](
### replaceExtension(path, newExtension)
Replaces a file extension in a path. Returns the new path.
### isStream(obj)
Returns true or false if an object is a stream.
### isBuffer(obj)
Returns true or false if an object is a Buffer.
### template(string[, data])
This is a lodash.template function wrapper. You must pass in a valid gulp file object so it is available to the user or it will error. You can not configure any of the delimiters. Look at the [lodash docs]( for more info.
## new File(obj)
This is just [vinyl](