* \brief Represents a sequence of transpositions (row/column interchange)
* \tparam SizeAtCompileTime the number of transpositions, or Dynamic
* \tparam MaxSizeAtCompileTime the maximum number of transpositions, or Dynamic. This optional parameter defaults to SizeAtCompileTime. Most of the time, you should not have to specify it.
* This class represents a permutation transformation as a sequence of \em n transpositions
* \f$[T_{n-1} \ldots T_{i} \ldots T_{0}]\f$. It is internally stored as a vector of integers \c indices.
* Each transposition \f$ T_{i} \f$ applied on the left of a matrix (\f$ T_{i} M\f$) interchanges
* the rows \c i and \c indices[i] of the matrix \c M.
* A transposition applied on the right (e.g., \f$ M T_{i}\f$) yields a column interchange.
* Compared to the class PermutationMatrix, such a sequence of transpositions is what is
* computed during a decomposition with pivoting, and it is faster when applying the permutation in-place.
* To apply a sequence of transpositions to a matrix, simply use the operator * as in the following example:
* \code
* Transpositions tr;
* MatrixXf mat;
* mat = tr * mat;
* \endcode
* In this example, we detect that the matrix appears on both side, and so the transpositions
* are applied in-place without any temporary or extra copy.