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Mon, Feb 24, 07:56

Filename : algorithm.c
Author : Your name goes here
SCIPER : Your SCIPER number
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
using namespace std;
// CPU Baseline
void array_process(double *input, double *output, int length, int iterations)
double *temp;
for(int n=0; n<(int) iterations; n++)
for(int i=1; i<length-1; i++)
for(int j=1; j<length-1; j++)
output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = (input[(i-1)*(length)+(j-1)] +
input[(i-1)*(length)+(j)] +
input[(i-1)*(length)+(j+1)] +
input[(i)*(length)+(j-1)] +
input[(i)*(length)+(j)] +
input[(i)*(length)+(j+1)] +
input[(i+1)*(length)+(j-1)] +
input[(i+1)*(length)+(j)] +
input[(i+1)*(length)+(j+1)] ) / 9;
output[(length/2-1)*length+(length/2-1)] = 1000;
output[(length/2)*length+(length/2-1)] = 1000;
output[(length/2-1)*length+(length/2)] = 1000;
output[(length/2)*length+(length/2)] = 1000;
temp = input;
input = output;
output = temp;
__global__ void Heat(double *input, double *output, int length)
int i = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
int j = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
if((i > 0) && (j > 0) && (i < length-1) && (j < length-1))
if(!(((i == length/2-1)||(i == length/2))&&((j == length/2-1)||(j == length/2))))
output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = ( input[(i-1)*(length)+(j-1)] +
input[(i-1)*(length)+(j)] +
input[(i-1)*(length)+(j+1)] +
input[(i)*(length)+(j-1)] +
input[(i)*(length)+(j)] +
input[(i)*(length)+(j+1)] +
input[(i+1)*(length)+(j-1)] +
input[(i+1)*(length)+(j)] +
input[(i+1)*(length)+(j+1)] ) / 9;
else output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = 1000;
else return;
__global__ void Heat_sh(double *input, double *output, int len)
extern __shared__ double s[];
int length = len;
int S_size = (blockDim.x+2)*(blockDim.y+2);
int I = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;
int J = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
int tid = (threadIdx.y)*blockDim.x +threadIdx.x; //tid in a thread block
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
//first thread fills s
if(tid == 0)
for(int k = 0 ; k<S_size; k++)
a = k/(blockDim.x+2);
b = k%(blockDim.x+2);
if((I-1+a >= 0) && (J-1+b >= 0) && (I-1+a < length) && (J-1+b < length)) // "-1" because we consider a rectangle that begins 1 element earlier in i and j. Hence one row and one column before the block
s[a*(blockDim.x+2) + b] = input[(I-1+a)*length + (J-1+b)];
//first warp fills s
int warp_size = 32;
int warp_id = threadIdx.x / warp_size;
int ALU_id = threadIdx.x % warp_size;
if(warp_id == 0)
for(int k = ALU_id ; k<S_size; k += warp_size)
a = k/(blockDim.x+2);
b = k%(blockDim.x+2);
if((I-1+a >= 0) && (J-1+b >= 0) && (I-1+a < length) && (J-1+b < length)) // "-1" because we consider a rectangle that begins 1 element earlier in i and j. Hence one row and one column before the block
s[a*(blockDim.x+2) + b] = input[(I-1+a)*length + (J-1+b)];
//all threads fill s
for(int k = tid ; k<S_size; k += blockDim.x*blockDim.y)
a = k/(blockDim.x+2);
b = k%(blockDim.x+2);
if((I-1+a >= 0) && (J-1+b >= 0) && (I-1+a < length) && (J-1+b < length)) // "-1" because we consider a rectangle that begins 1 element earlier in i and j. Hence one row and one column before the block
s[a*(blockDim.x+2) + b] = input[(I-1+a)*length + (J-1+b)];
//unrolled fill
a = tid/(blockDim.x+2);
b = tid%(blockDim.x+2);
if((a*(blockDim.x+2) + b<S_size)&&(I-1+a >= 0) && (J-1+b >= 0) && (I-1+a < length) && (J-1+b < length)) // "-1" because we consider a rectangle that begins 1 element earlier in i and j. Hence one row and one column before the block
s[a*(blockDim.x+2) + b] = input[(I-1+a)*length + (J-1+b)];
a = (blockDim.x*blockDim.y+tid)/(blockDim.x+2);
b = (blockDim.x*blockDim.y+tid)%(blockDim.x+2);
if((a*(blockDim.x+2) + b<S_size)&&(I-1+a >= 0) && (J-1+b >= 0) && (I-1+a < length) && (J-1+b < length)) // "-1" because we consider a rectangle that begins 1 element earlier in i and j. Hence one row and one column before the block
s[a*(blockDim.x+2) + b] = input[(I-1+a)*length + (J-1+b)];
a = threadIdx.y+1; //access s
b = threadIdx.x+1; //access s
int i = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
int j = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
if((i > 0) && (j > 0) && (i < length-1) && (j < length-1))
if(!(((i == length/2-1)||(i == length/2))&&((j == length/2-1)||(j == length/2))))
output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = ( s[(a-1)*(blockDim.x+2) + b-1] + s[(a-1)*(blockDim.x+2) + b] + s[(a-1)*(blockDim.x+2) + b+1]
+ s[(a)*(blockDim.x+2) + b-1] + s[(a)*(blockDim.x+2) + b] + s[(a)*(blockDim.x+2) + b+1]
+ s[(a+1)*(blockDim.x+2) + b-1] + s[(a+1)*(blockDim.x+2) + b] + s[(a+1)*(blockDim.x+2) + b+1] ) / 9;
else output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = 1000;
else return;
__global__ void Heat_sh_mod(double *input, double *output, int len)
extern __shared__ double s[];
int length = len;
//int S_size_x = blockDim.x;
//int S_size_y = blockDim.y;
//int size_x = (blockDim.x-2);
//int size_y = (blockDim.y-2);
int In_x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x - 2*blockIdx.x; //nb_blocks in x *blockDim.x
int In_y = ((blockIdx.y*gridDim.x)*blockDim.y) - 2*blockIdx.y; //((nb_blocks in y)*blockDim.y) * nb_element per line
int tid = (threadIdx.y)*blockDim.x +threadIdx.x; //tid in a thread block
if(((In_y-1)>=0)&&((In_x-1)>=0)&&(In_y-1 + threadIdx.y<length)&&(In_x-1 + threadIdx.x<length))
s[tid] = input[(In_y-1)*(gridDim.x*blockDim.x) + In_x-1 + (threadIdx.y)*blockDim.x +threadIdx.x];
int a = threadIdx.y; //access s
int b = threadIdx.x; //access s
int i = In_y*(gridDim.x*blockDim.x) + a-1;
int j = In_x + b-1;
if((a > 0) && (b > 0)&&(a<blockDim.y-1)&&(b<blockDim.x-1)&&(i > 0)&&(j > 0)&&(i < length-1) && (j < length-1))
if(!(((i == length/2-1)||(i == length/2))&&((j == length/2-1)||(j == length/2))))
output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = ( s[(a-1)*(blockDim.x) + b-1] + s[(a-1)*(blockDim.x) + b] + s[(a-1)*(blockDim.x) + b+1]
+ s[(a)*(blockDim.x) + b-1] + s[(a)*(blockDim.x) + b] + s[(a)*(blockDim.x) + b+1]
+ s[(a+1)*(blockDim.x) + b-1] + s[(a+1)*(blockDim.x) + b] + s[(a+1)*(blockDim.x) + b+1] ) / 9;
else output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = 1000;
else return;
__global__ void Heat_sh_red_1(double *input, double *output, int length)
extern __shared__ double shared[];
int S_size = (blockDim.x+2)*(blockDim.y+2);
int red_size = (blockDim.x)*(blockDim.y+2);
double *s = shared;
double *red = (double*)&shared[S_size];
int I = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;
int J = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
int tid = (threadIdx.y)*blockDim.x +threadIdx.x; //tid in a thread block
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
//all threads fill s
for(int k = tid ; k<S_size; k += blockDim.x*blockDim.y)
a = k/(blockDim.x+2);
b = k%(blockDim.x+2);
if((I-1+a >= 0) && (J-1+b >= 0) && (I-1+a < length) && (J-1+b < length)) // "-1" because we consider a rectangle that begins 1 element earlier in i and j. Hence one row and one column before the block
s[a*(blockDim.x+2) + b] = input[(I-1+a)*length + (J-1+b)];
for(int k = tid ; k<red_size; k += blockDim.x*blockDim.y)
a = k/(blockDim.y+2);
b = k%(blockDim.y+2);
red[a*(blockDim.y+2) + b] = s[b*(blockDim.x+2) + a] + s[b*(blockDim.x+2) + a+1] + s[b*(blockDim.x+2) + a+2]; //reduction + transpose (a and b swaped)
int i = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
int j = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
a = threadIdx.y;
b = threadIdx.x;
if((i > 0) && (j > 0) && (i < length-1) && (j < length-1))
if(!(((i == length/2-1)||(i == length/2))&&((j == length/2-1)||(j == length/2))))
output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = (red[(b)*(blockDim.y+2) + a] + red[(b)*(blockDim.y+2) + a+1] + red[(b)*(blockDim.y+2) + a+2]) / 9;
else output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = 1000;
else return;
__global__ void Heat_sh_red_2(double *input, double *output, int length)
extern __shared__ double red[];
int red_size = (blockDim.x)*(blockDim.y+2);
int I = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;
int J = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
int tid = (threadIdx.y)*blockDim.x +threadIdx.x; //tid in a thread block
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
for(int k = tid ; k<red_size; k += blockDim.x*blockDim.y)
a = k/(blockDim.y+2);
b = k%(blockDim.y+2);
if((J-1+a >= 0) && (I-1+b >= 0) && (J+1+a < length) && (I-1+b < length)) // "-1" because we consider a rectangle that begins 1 element earlier in i and j. Hence one row and one column before the block
red[a*(blockDim.y+2) + b] = input[(I-1+b)*length + (J-1+a)] + input[(I-1+b)*length + (J+a)] + input[(I-1+b)*length + (J+a+1)]; //reduction + transpose (a and b swaped)
int i = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
int j = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
a = threadIdx.y;
b = threadIdx.x;
if((i > 0) && (j > 0) && (i < length-1) && (j < length-1))
if(!(((i == length/2-1)||(i == length/2))&&((j == length/2-1)||(j == length/2))))
output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = (red[(b)*(blockDim.y+2) + a] + red[(b)*(blockDim.y+2) + a+1] + red[(b)*(blockDim.y+2) + a+2]) / 9;
else output[(i)*(length)+(j)] = 1000;
else return;
// GPU Optimized function
void GPU_array_process(double *input, double *output, int length, int iterations)
//Cuda events for calculating elapsed time
cudaEvent_t cpy_H2D_start, cpy_H2D_end, comp_start, comp_end, cpy_D2H_start, cpy_D2H_end;
/* Preprocessing goes here */
int SIZE = length*length*sizeof(double);
double* gpu_input;
double* gpu_output;
double* temp; //used to swith pointers between gpu_input and gpu_output
cudaMalloc((void**)&gpu_input, SIZE);
cudaMalloc((void**)&gpu_output, SIZE);
/* Copying array from host to device goes here */
cudaMemcpy((void*)gpu_input, (void*)input, SIZE, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy((void*)gpu_output, (void*)output, SIZE, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int row_threads = 16;
int col_threads = 16;
//dim3 thrsPerBlock(row_threads, col_threads);
//dim3 nBlks((length-1)/row_threads + 1,(length-1)/col_threads + 1); //if length == 0,...,16 -> 1 block, if length == 17,...,32 -> 2 blocks etc...
dim3 nBlks((length-1)/(row_threads-2) + 1,(length-1)/(col_threads-2) + 1);
dim3 thrsPerBlock(row_threads, col_threads);
//Copy array from host to device
/* GPU calculation goes here */
for(size_t i = 0; i<(int) iterations; i++)
//Heat<<<nBlks, thrsPerBlock>>>(gpu_input, gpu_output, length);
//Heat_sh<<<nBlks, thrsPerBlock, ((row_threads+2)*(col_threads+2))*sizeof(double)>>>(gpu_input, gpu_output, length);
Heat_sh_mod<<<nBlks, thrsPerBlock, (row_threads*col_threads)*sizeof(double)>>>(gpu_input, gpu_output, length);
//Heat_sh_red_1<<<nBlks, thrsPerBlock, (((row_threads+2)*(col_threads+2))+ ((row_threads)*(col_threads+2)))*sizeof(double)>>>(gpu_input, gpu_output, length);
//Heat_sh_red_2<<<nBlks, thrsPerBlock, (((row_threads)*(col_threads+2)))*sizeof(double)>>>(gpu_input, gpu_output, length);
temp = gpu_input;
gpu_input = gpu_output;
gpu_output = temp;
gpu_output = gpu_input; //unswap from the last iteration
/* Copying array from device to host goes here */
cudaMemcpy((void*)output, (void*)gpu_output, SIZE, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
/* Postprocessing goes here */
float time;
cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, cpy_H2D_start, cpy_H2D_end);
cout<<"Host to Device MemCpy takes "<<setprecision(4)<<time/1000<<"s"<<endl;
cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, comp_start, comp_end);
cout<<"Computation takes "<<setprecision(4)<<time/1000<<"s"<<endl;
cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, cpy_D2H_start, cpy_D2H_end);
cout<<"Device to Host MemCpy takes "<<setprecision(4)<<time/1000<<"s"<<endl;

Event Timeline