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Firstinstall[node.js]( and [mongodb]( Then:
Thecurrentstablebranchis[master]( The [3.8.x]( branch contains legacy support for the 3.x release series, which is no longer under active development as of September 2015. The [3.8.x docs]( are still available.
First,weneedtodefineaconnection.Ifyourappusesonlyonedatabase,youshoulduse`mongoose.connect`. If you need to create additional connections, use `mongoose.createConnection`.
Both`connect` and `createConnection` take a `mongodb://` URI, or the parameters `host, database, port, options`.
Onceconnected,the`open` event is fired on the `Connection` instance. If you're using `mongoose.connect`, the `Connection` is `mongoose.connection`. Otherwise, `mongoose.createConnection` return value is a `Connection`.
**Important!**Ifyouopenedaseparateconnectionusing`mongoose.createConnection()` but attempt to access the model through `mongoose.model('ModelName')`itwillnotworkasexpectedsinceitisnothookeduptoanactivedbconnection.Inthiscaseaccessyourmodelthroughtheconnectionyoucreated:
Moreover,youcanmutatetheincoming`method` arguments so that subsequent middleware see different values for those arguments. To do so, just pass the new values to `next`:
`type`, when used in a schema has special meaning within Mongoose. If your schema requires using `type`asanestedpropertyyoumustuseobjectnotation:
type:String// uh oh, it broke. asset will be interpreted as String
type:{type:String}// works. asset is an object with a type property
Mongooseisbuiltontopofthe[officialMongoDBNode.jsdriver]( Each mongoose model keeps a reference to a [native MongoDB driver collection]( The collection object can be accessed using `YourModel.collection`. However, using the collection object directly bypasses all mongoose features, including hooks, validation, etc. The one