#echo "Done creating file z$PEN_CHOICE which is named after the penalty function we are choosing"
#code to get a cdf of average job running times (meaning the avg of runtime of job j across all runs for every j)
for SIM in `ls | grep simulation | sed 's/-simulation.log//g' | sed 's/^[0-9-]*//g' | sort | uniq | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/-none//g' | sed 's/\(.*\)\(regular\)\(.*\)/\2\3\1/g'`
#this seems to be assuming that jobX is one run is the same as jobX in another run.
#That may be the case if all submission time are different, but if they are equal YARN can switch the order of jobs, will not necessarily use trace order.
#I take that back, it seems the csv files now contain but job_ (trace name) and app_ (YARN name)