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Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
<document xmlns=""
<section name="Map sizing">
<p> By default, DistCp makes an attempt to size each map comparably so
that each copies roughly the same number of bytes. Note that files are the
finest level of granularity, so increasing the number of simultaneous
copiers (i.e. maps) may not always increase the number of
simultaneous copies nor the overall throughput.</p>
<p> The new DistCp also provides a strategy to "dynamically" size maps,
allowing faster data-nodes to copy more bytes than slower nodes. Using
<code>-strategy dynamic</code> (explained in the Architecture), rather
than to assign a fixed set of source-files to each map-task, files are
instead split into several sets. The number of sets exceeds the number of
maps, usually by a factor of 2-3. Each map picks up and copies all files
listed in a chunk. When a chunk is exhausted, a new chunk is acquired and
processed, until no more chunks remain.</p>
<p> By not assigning a source-path to a fixed map, faster map-tasks (i.e.
data-nodes) are able to consume more chunks, and thus copy more data,
than slower nodes. While this distribution isn't uniform, it is
<strong>fair</strong> with regard to each mapper's capacity.</p>
<p>The dynamic-strategy is implemented by the DynamicInputFormat. It
provides superior performance under most conditions. </p>
<p>Tuning the number of maps to the size of the source and
destination clusters, the size of the copy, and the available
bandwidth is recommended for long-running and regularly run jobs.</p>
<section name="Copying between versions of HDFS">
<p>For copying between two different versions of Hadoop, one will
usually use HftpFileSystem. This is a read-only FileSystem, so DistCp
must be run on the destination cluster (more specifically, on
TaskTrackers that can write to the destination cluster). Each source is
specified as <code>hftp://&lt;dfs.http.address&gt;/&lt;path&gt;</code>
(the default <code>dfs.http.address</code> is
<section name="Map/Reduce and other side-effects">
<p>As has been mentioned in the preceding, should a map fail to copy
one of its inputs, there will be several side-effects.</p>
<li>Unless <code>-overwrite</code> is specified, files successfully
copied by a previous map on a re-execution will be marked as
<li>If a map fails <code></code> times, the
remaining map tasks will be killed (unless <code>-i</code> is
<li>If <code>mapred.speculative.execution</code> is set set
<code>final</code> and <code>true</code>, the result of the copy is
<section name="SSL Configurations for HSFTP sources:">
<p>To use an HSFTP source (i.e. using the hsftp protocol), a Map-Red SSL
configuration file needs to be specified (via the <code>-mapredSslConf</code>
option). This must specify 3 parameters:</p>
<li><code>ssl.client.truststore.location</code>: The local-filesystem
location of the trust-store file, containing the certificate for
the namenode.</li>
<li><code>ssl.client.truststore.type</code>: (Optional) The format of
the trust-store file.</li>
<li><code>ssl.client.truststore.password</code>: (Optional) Password
for the trust-store file.</li>
<p>The following is an example of the contents of the contents of
a Map-Red SSL Configuration file:</p>
<p> <br/> <code> &lt;configuration&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <br/> <code>&lt;property&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code>&lt;name&gt;ssl.client.truststore.location&lt;/name&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code>&lt;value&gt;/work/keystore.jks&lt;/value&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code>&lt;description&gt;Truststore to be used by clients like distcp. Must be specified. &lt;/description&gt;</code> </p>
<p> <br/> <code>&lt;/property&gt; </code> </p>
<p><code> &lt;property&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code>&lt;name&gt;ssl.client.truststore.password&lt;/name&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code>&lt;value&gt;changeme&lt;/value&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code>&lt;description&gt;Optional. Default value is "". &lt;/description&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code>&lt;/property&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <br/> <code> &lt;property&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code> &lt;name&gt;ssl.client.truststore.type&lt;/name&gt;</code> </p>
<p> <code> &lt;value&gt;jks&lt;/value&gt;</code> </p>
<p> <code> &lt;description&gt;Optional. Default value is "jks". &lt;/description&gt;</code> </p>
<p> <code> &lt;/property&gt; </code> </p>
<p> <code> <br/> &lt;/configuration&gt; </code> </p>
<p><br/>The SSL configuration file must be in the class-path of the
DistCp program.</p>

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