output+="Currently, all changes must be done using your favourite editor, and the webserver restarted for changes to take effect. For the settings to change, either look in the guide or in access_control_config.py ."
#output += "Remember that you will be logged out as the current user."
##baskets = run_sql("SELECT basket.id, basket.name, basket.public FROM basket, user_basket WHERE id_user=%s and user_basket.id_basket=basket.id" % userID)
##output += "<table><tr>"
##for (id, name, public) in baskets:
## output += "<tr><td>%s<br>Public: %s</td></tr>" % (name, (public=="y" and "Yes" or "No"))
## basket_records = run_sql("SELECT id_record, nb_order FROM basket_record WHERE id_basket=%s" % id)
## for (id_record, nb_order) in basket_records:
## output += "<tr><td></td><td>"
## output += print_record(id_record)
## output += "</td></tr>"
##output += "</tr></table>"
#output += '<b><span class="info">The account id given does not exist.</span></b>'