<li>style = <em>delete</em> or <em>region</em> or <em>type</em> or <em>id</em> or <em>molecule</em> or <em>variable</em> or <em>include</em> or <em>subtract</em> or <em>union</em> or <em>intersect</em> or <em>dynamic</em> or <em>static</em></li>
<pre class="literal-block">
<em>delete</em> = no args
<em>clear</em> = no args
<em>region</em> args = region-ID
<em>type</em> or <em>id</em> or <em>molecule</em>
args = list of one or more atom types, atom IDs, or molecule IDs
any entry in list can be a sequence formatted as A:B or A:B:C where
A = starting index, B = ending index,
C = increment between indices, 1 if not specified
args = logical value
logical = "<" or "<=" or ">" or ">=" or "==" or "!="
value = an atom type or atom ID or molecule ID (depending on <em>style</em>)
args = logical value1 value2
logical = "<>"
value1,value2 = atom types or atom IDs or molecule IDs (depending on <em>style</em>)
<em>variable</em> args = variable-name
<em>include</em> args = molecule
molecule = add atoms to group with same molecule ID as atoms already in group
<em>subtract</em> args = two or more group IDs
<em>union</em> args = one or more group IDs
<em>intersect</em> args = two or more group IDs
<em>dynamic</em> args = parent-ID keyword value ...
one or more keyword/value pairs may be appended
keyword = <em>region</em> or <em>var</em> or <em>every</em>
<em>region</em> value = region-ID
<em>var</em> value = name of variable
<em>every</em> value = N = update group every this many timesteps
<p>If the group ID already exists, the group command adds the specified
atoms to the group.</p>
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="first admonition-title">Note</p>
<p class="last">By default groups are static, meaning the atoms are permanently
assigned to the group. For example, if the <em>region</em> style is used to
assign atoms to a group, the atoms will remain in the group even if
they later move out of the region. As explained below, the <em>dynamic</em>
style can be used to make a group dynamic so that a periodic
determination is made as to which atoms are in the group. Since many
LAMMPS commands operate on groups of atoms, you should think carefully
about whether making a group dynamic makes sense for your model.</p>
<p>A group with the ID <em>all</em> is predefined. All atoms belong to this
group. This group cannot be deleted, or made dynamic.</p>
<p>The <em>delete</em> style removes the named group and un-assigns all atoms
that were assigned to that group. Since there is a restriction (see
below) that no more than 32 groups can be defined at any time, the
<em>delete</em> style allows you to remove groups that are no longer needed,
so that more can be specified. You cannot delete a group if it has
been used to define a current <a class="reference internal" href="fix.html"><span class="doc">fix</span></a> or <a class="reference internal" href="compute.html"><span class="doc">compute</span></a>
or <a class="reference internal" href="dump.html"><span class="doc">dump</span></a>.</p>
<p>The <em>clear</em> style un-assigns all atoms that were assigned to that
group. This may be dangerous to do during a simulation run,
e.g. using the <a class="reference internal" href="run.html"><span class="doc">run every</span></a> command if a fix or compute or
other operation expects the atoms in the group to remain constant, but
LAMMPS does not check for this.</p>
<p>The <em>region</em> style puts all atoms in the region volume into the group.
Note that this is a static one-time assignment. The atoms remain
assigned (or not assigned) to the group even in they later move out of
the region volume.</p>
<p>The <em>type</em>, <em>id</em>, and <em>molecule</em> styles put all atoms with the
specified atom types, atom IDs, or molecule IDs into the group. These
3 styles can use arguments specified in one of two formats.</p>
<p>The first format is a list of values (types or IDs). For example, the
2nd command in the examples above puts all atoms of type 3 or 4 into
the group named <em>water</em>. Each entry in the list can be a
colon-separated sequence A:B or A:B:C, as in two of the examples
above. A “sequence” generates a sequence of values (types or IDs),
with an optional increment. The first example with 500:1000 has the
default increment of 1 and would add all atom IDs from 500 to 1000
(inclusive) to the group sub, along with 10,25,50 since they also
appear in the list of values. The second example with 100:10000:10
uses an increment of 10 and would thus would add atoms IDs
100,110,120, ... 9990,10000 to the group sub.</p>
<p>The second format is a <em>logical</em> followed by one or two values (type
or ID). The 7 valid logicals are listed above. All the logicals
except <> take a single argument. The 3rd example above adds all
atoms with IDs from 1 to 150 to the group named <em>sub</em>. The logical <>
means “between” and takes 2 arguments. The 4th example above adds all
atoms belonging to molecules with IDs from 50 to 250 (inclusive) to
the group named polyA.</p>
<p>The <em>variable</em> style evaluates a variable to determine which atoms to
add to the group. It must be an <a class="reference internal" href="variable.html"><span class="doc">atom-style variable</span></a>
previously defined in the input script. If the variable evaluates
to a non-zero value for a particular atom, then that atom is added
to the specified group.</p>
<p>Atom-style variables can specify formulas that include thermodynamic
quantities, per-atom values such as atom coordinates, or per-atom
quantities calculated by computes, fixes, or other variables. They
can also include Boolean logic where 2 numeric values are compared to
yield a 1 or 0 (effectively a true or false). Thus using the
<em>variable</em> style, is a general way to flag specific atoms to include
or exclude from a group.</p>
<p>For example, these lines define a variable “eatom” that calculates the
potential energy of each atom and includes it in the group if its
potential energy is above the threshhold value -3.0.</p>
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