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#include "newtonsphere.h"
#include "descriptors/newton.h"
#include "models/glsphere.h"
#include "graphtools.h"
#include "camera.h"
using namespace symkit;
const double NewtonSphere::K = 400.0;
const double NewtonSphere::pendule_l = 12.0;
const SVector<3> NewtonSphere::gravity = {0, -9.81, 0};
const double NewtonSphere::friction = 0.1;
const double NewtonSphere::mass = 5.0;
const SVector<3> NewtonSphere::init_position = { NewtonSphere::pendule_l, 0, 0 };
const SVector<3> NewtonSphere::init_speed = SVector<3>::nullv;
const NewtonDescriptor NewtonSphere::init_desc(mass, init_position, init_speed);
NewtonSphere::NewtonSphere(models::GLSphere * model)
: NewtonParticle(model, mass, init_position, init_speed), verbose(false)
/* Set the polygon mode to GL_LINE */
counter = 0;
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include "assets.h" // colorGradientFunction
void NewtonSphere::evolve(float)
SVector<3> x = position();
SVector<3> l0 = x.directional() *pendule_l;
if (verbose)
if (counter % VERBOSE_PERIOD == 0)
cout << *this << endl;
/* Elastic force F = -k (x - l0) */
addForce( (l0 - x) * NewtonSphere::K );
/* Gravity force */
addForce(gravity * mass);
/* Friction force */
addForce( - speed() * friction );
/* Set the color basing on the speed */
setColor( beta::colorGradientFunction( 0.5 * mass * speed().sq_module(), 2000));
void NewtonSphere::applyRepulsion(const Camera *camera)
#define PULSE_K 1000.0
SVector<3> pos = position() - camera->getPosition();
pos *= PULSE_K / pos.sq_module();//plus proche la camera, plus forte la repulsion
// repulse
void NewtonSphere::setVerbose(bool value)
this->verbose = value;
bool NewtonSphere::getVerbose() const
return verbose;
#include <QGLShaderProgram>
void NewtonSphere::render(render_s args)
NewtonParticle::render(args); //cela dessine la particule
//Ensuite on dessinne le fil
args.shaderProgram->setAttributeValue(AttributeID::vertex, ARRAY_3D_FLOAT_ARGS(SVector<3>::nullv)); // on centre la matrice sur la particule
args.shaderProgram->setAttributeValue(AttributeID::vertex, ARRAY_3D_FLOAT_ARGS( -position() )); // on dessinne un fil sur l'inverse du vecteur position de la particule
#include <ostream>
#include <iomanip>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const NewtonSphere& sphere)
os << "Yellow sphere data: " << endl << setw(4);
os << "Position: " << sphere.position() << endl;
os << "Speed: " << sphere.speed() << "," << "V = " << sphere.speed().module() << endl;
os << "Mass: " << sphere.NewtonParticle::mass() << endl;
os << setw(0);
return os;

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