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Mon, Mar 3, 09:26

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## $Id$
## Comments and reviews for records.
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""HTML Templates for commenting features """
__revision__ = "$Id$"
# CDS Invenio imports
from invenio.webuser import get_user_info
from invenio.dateutils import convert_datetext_to_dategui
from invenio.webmessage_mailutils import email_quoted_txt2html
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL, \
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
class Template:
"""templating class, refer to for examples of call"""
def tmpl_get_first_comments_without_ranking(self, recID, ln, comments, nb_comments_total, warnings):
@param recID: record id
@param ln: language
@param comments: tuple as returned from
@param nb_comments_total: total number of comments for this record
@param warnings: list of warning tuples (warning_msg, arg1, arg2, ...)
@return html of comments
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# naming data fields of comments
c_nickname = 0
c_user_id = 1
c_date_creation = 2
c_body = 3
c_id = 4
warnings = self.tmpl_warnings(warnings, ln)
# comments
comment_rows = ''
for comment in comments:
if comment[c_nickname]:
nickname = comment[c_nickname]
display = nickname
(uid, nickname, display) = get_user_info(comment[c_user_id])
messaging_link = self.create_messaging_link(nickname, display, ln)
comment_rows += """
report_link = '%s/record/%s/comments/report?ln=%s&amp;comid=%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, ln, comment[c_id])
reply_link = '%s/record/%s/comments/add?ln=%s&amp;comid=%s&amp;action=REPLY' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, ln, comment[c_id])
comment_rows += self.tmpl_get_comment_without_ranking(ln=ln, nickname=messaging_link,
report_link=report_link, reply_link=reply_link)
comment_rows += """
<br />
<br />
# write button
write_button_label = _("Write a comment")
write_button_link = '%s/record/%s/comments/add' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID)
write_button_form = '<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%s"/>' % ln
write_button_form = self.createhiddenform(action=write_button_link, method="get", text=write_button_form, button=write_button_label)
# output
if nb_comments_total > 0:
out = warnings
comments_label = len(comments) > 1 and _("Showing the latest %i comments:") % len(comments) \
or ""
out += """
<td class="blocknote">%(comment_title)s</td>
%(comments_label)s<br />
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%%">
<br />
<br />
%(write_button_form)s<br />""" % \
{'comment_title': _("Discuss this document"),
'comments_label': comments_label,
'nb_comments_total' : nb_comments_total,
'recID': recID,
'comment_rows': comment_rows,
'tab': '&nbsp;'*4,
'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL,
's': nb_comments_total>1 and 's' or "",
'view_all_comments_link': nb_comments_total>0 and '''<a href="%s/record/%s/comments/display">View all %s comments</a>''' \
% (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, nb_comments_total) or "",
'write_button_form': write_button_form,
'nb_comments': len(comments)
out = """
<!-- comments title table -->
<td class="blocknote">%(discuss_label)s:</td>
<br />
<br />""" % {'form': write_button_form,
'discuss_label': _("Discuss this document"),
'detailed_info': _("Start a discussion about any aspect of this document.")
return out
def tmpl_record_not_found(self, status='missing', recID="", ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
Displays a page when bad or missing record ID was given.
@param status: 'missing' : no recID was given
'inexistant': recID doesn't have an entry in the database
'nan' : recID is not a number
'invalid' : recID is an error code, i.e. in the interval [-99,-1]
@param return: body of the page
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if status == 'inexistant':
body = _("Sorry, the record %s does not seem to exist.") % (recID,)
elif status in ('nan', 'invalid'):
body = _("Sorry, %s is not a valid ID value.") % (recID,)
body = _("Sorry, no record ID was provided.")
body += "<br /><br />"
link = "<a href=\"%s?ln=%s\">%s</a>." % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln, CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL.get(ln, CFG_SITE_NAME))
body += _("You may want to start browsing from %s") % link
return body
def tmpl_get_first_comments_with_ranking(self, recID, ln, comments=None, nb_comments_total=None, avg_score=None, warnings=[]):
@param recID: record id
@param ln: language
@param comments: tuple as returned from
@param nb_comments_total: total number of comments for this record
@param avg_score: average score of all reviews
@param warnings: list of warning tuples (warning_msg, arg1, arg2, ...)
@return html of comments
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# naming data fields of comments
c_nickname = 0
c_user_id = 1
c_date_creation = 2
c_body = 3
c_nb_votes_yes = 4
c_nb_votes_total = 5
c_star_score = 6
c_title = 7
c_id = 8
warnings = self.tmpl_warnings(warnings, ln)
if avg_score > 0:
avg_score_img = 'stars-' + str(avg_score).split('.')[0] + '-' + str(avg_score).split('.')[1] + '.png'
avg_score_img = "stars-0-0.png"
# voting links
useful_dict = { 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'recID' : recID,
'ln' : ln,
'yes_img' : 'smchk_gr.gif', #'yes.gif',
'no_img' : 'iconcross.gif' #'no.gif'
link = '<a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/reviews/vote?ln=%(ln)s&amp;comid=%%(comid)s' % useful_dict
useful_yes = link + '&amp;com_value=1">' + _("Yes") + '</a>'
useful_no = link + '&amp;com_value=-1">' + _("No") + '</a>'
#comment row
comment_rows = ' '
for comment in comments:
if comment[c_nickname]:
nickname = comment[c_nickname]
display = nickname
(uid, nickname, display) = get_user_info(comment[c_user_id])
messaging_link = self.create_messaging_link(nickname, display, ln)
comment_rows += '''
report_link = '%s/record/%s/reviews/report?ln=%s&amp;comid=%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, ln, comment[c_id])
comment_rows += self.tmpl_get_comment_with_ranking(ln=ln, nickname=messaging_link,
title=comment[c_title], report_link=report_link)
comment_rows += '''
%s %s / %s<br />''' % (_("Was this review helpful?"), useful_yes % {'comid':comment[c_id]}, useful_no % {'comid':comment[c_id]})
comment_rows += '''
<br />
# write button
write_button_link = '''%s/record/%s/reviews/add''' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID)
write_button_form = ' <input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%s"/>' % ln
write_button_form = self.createhiddenform(action=write_button_link, method="get", text=write_button_form, button=_("Write a review"))
if nb_comments_total > 0:
avg_score_img = str(avg_score_img)
avg_score = str(avg_score)
nb_comments_total = str(nb_comments_total)
score = '<b>'
score += _("Average review score: %(x_nb_score)s based on %(x_nb_reviews)s reviews") % \
{'x_nb_score': '</b><img src="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/img/' + avg_score_img + '" alt="' + avg_score + '" />',
'x_nb_reviews': nb_comments_total}
useful_label = _("Readers found the following %s reviews to be most helpful.")
useful_label %= len(comments) > 1 and len(comments) or ""
view_all_comments_link ='<a href="%s/record/%s/reviews/display?ln=%s&amp;do=hh">' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, ln)
view_all_comments_link += _("View all %s reviews") % nb_comments_total
view_all_comments_link += '</a><br />'
out = warnings + """
<!-- review title table -->
<td class="blocknote">%(comment_title)s:</td>
%(score_label)s<br />
<!-- review table -->
<table style="border: 0px; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px; padding: 5px; width: 100%%">
%(write_button_form)s<br />
""" % \
{ 'comment_title' : _("Rate this document"),
'score_label' : score,
'useful_label' : useful_label,
'recID' : recID,
'view_all_comments' : _("View all %s reviews") % (nb_comments_total,),
'write_comment' : _("Write a review"),
'comment_rows' : comment_rows,
'tab' : '&nbsp;'*4,
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'view_all_comments_link': nb_comments_total>0 and view_all_comments_link or "",
'write_button_form' : write_button_form
out = '''
<!-- review title table -->
<td class="blocknote">%s:</td>
%s<br />
<br />''' % (_("Rate this document"),
_("Be the first to review this document."),
return out
def tmpl_get_comment_without_ranking(self, ln, nickname, date_creation, body, reply_link=None, report_link=None):
private function
@param ln: language
@param nickname: nickname
@param date_creation: date comment was written
@param body: comment body
@param reply_link: if want reply and report, give the http links
@param repot_link: if want reply and report, give the http links
@return html table of comment
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
date_creation = convert_datetext_to_dategui(date_creation)
out = ''
final_body = email_quoted_txt2html(body)
title = _('%(x_name)s wrote on %(x_date)s:') % {'x_name': nickname,
'x_date': '<i>' + date_creation + '</i>'}
links = ''
if reply_link:
links += '<a href="' + reply_link +'">' + _("Reply") +'</a>'
if report_link:
links += ' | '
if report_link:
links += '<a href="' + report_link +'">' + _("Report abuse") + '</a>'
out += """
<div style="margin-bottom:20px;background:#F9F9F9;border:1px solid #DDD">%(title)s<br />
<br />
<div style="float:right">%(links)s</div>
</div>""" % \
{'title' : '<div style="background-color:#EEE;padding:2px;"><img src="%s/img/user-icon-1-24x24.png" alt="" />&nbsp;%s</div>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, title),
'body' : final_body,
'links' : links}
return out
def tmpl_get_comment_with_ranking(self, ln, nickname, date_creation, body, nb_votes_total, nb_votes_yes, star_score, title, report_link=None):
private function
@param ln: language
@param nickname: nickname
@param date_creation: date comment was written
@param body: comment body
@param nb_votes_total: total number of votes for this review
@param nb_votes_yes: number of positive votes for this record
@param star_score: star score for this record
@param title: title of review
@return html table of review
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if star_score > 0:
star_score_img = 'stars-' + str(star_score) + '-0.png'
star_score_img = 'stars-0-0.png'
out = ""
date_creation = convert_datetext_to_dategui(date_creation)
reviewed_label = _("Reviewed by %(x_nickname)s on %(x_date)s") % {'x_nickname': nickname, 'x_date':date_creation}
useful_label = _("%(x_nb_people)i out of %(x_nb_total)i people found this review useful") % {'x_nb_people': nb_votes_yes,
'x_nb_total': nb_votes_total}
links = ''
if report_link:
links += '<a href="' + report_link +'">' + _("Report abuse") + '</a>'
_body = ''
if body != '':
_body = '''
</blockquote>''' % email_quoted_txt2html(body)
out += '''
<div style="background:#F9F9F9;border:1px solid #DDD">
<div style="background-color:#EEE;padding:2px;">
<img src="%(siteurl)s/img/%(star_score_img)s" alt="%(star_score)s" style="margin-right:10px;"/><b>%(title)s</b><br />
%(reviewed_label)s<br />
%(abuse)s''' % {'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'star_score_img': star_score_img,
'star_score' : star_score,
'title' : title,
'reviewed_label': reviewed_label,
'useful_label' : useful_label,
'body' : _body,
'abuse' : links
return out
def tmpl_get_comments(self, recID, ln,
nb_per_page, page, nb_pages,
display_order, display_since,
comments, total_nb_comments,
border=0, reviews=0,
nickname='', uid=-1, note='',score=5):
Get table of all comments
@param recID: record id
@param ln: language
@param nb_per_page: number of results per page
@param page: page number
@param display_order: hh = highest helpful score, review only
lh = lowest helpful score, review only
hs = highest star score, review only
ls = lowest star score, review only
od = oldest date
nd = newest date
@param display_since: all= no filtering by date
nd = n days ago
nw = n weeks ago
nm = n months ago
ny = n years ago
where n is a single digit integer between 0 and 9
@param CFG_WEBCOMMENT_ALLOW_REVIEWS: is ranking enable, get from
@param comments: tuple as returned from
@param total_nb_comments: total number of comments for this record
@param avg_score: average score of reviews for this record
@param warnings: list of warning tuples (warning_msg, color)
@param border: boolean, active if want to show border around each comment/review
@param reviews: boolean, enabled for reviews, disabled for comments
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# naming data fields of comments
if reviews:
c_nickname = 0
c_user_id = 1
c_date_creation = 2
c_body = 3
c_nb_votes_yes = 4
c_nb_votes_total = 5
c_star_score = 6
c_title = 7
c_id = 8
discussion = 'reviews'
comments_link = '<a href="%s/record/%s/comments/">%s</a> (%i)' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, _('Comments'), total_nb_comments)
reviews_link = '<b>%s (%i)</b>' % (_('Reviews'), total_nb_reviews)
add_comment_or_review = self.tmpl_add_comment_form_with_ranking(recID, uid, nickname, ln, '', score, note, warnings, show_title_p=True)
c_nickname = 0
c_user_id = 1
c_date_creation = 2
c_body = 3
c_id = 4
discussion = 'comments'
comments_link = '<b>%s (%i)</b>' % (_('Comments'), total_nb_comments)
reviews_link = '<a href="%s/record/%s/reviews/">%s</a> (%i)' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, _('Reviews'), total_nb_reviews)
add_comment_or_review = self.tmpl_add_comment_form(recID, uid, nickname, ln, note, warnings)
# voting links
useful_dict = { 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'recID' : recID,
'ln' : ln,
'do' : display_order,
'ds' : display_since,
'nb' : nb_per_page,
'p' : page,
'reviews' : reviews,
'discussion' : discussion
useful_yes = '<a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/%(discussion)s/vote?ln=%(ln)s&amp;comid=%%(comid)s&amp;com_value=1&amp;do=%(do)s&amp;ds=%(ds)s&amp;nb=%(nb)s&amp;p=%(p)s&amp;referer=%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/%(discussion)s/display">' + _("Yes") + '</a>'
useful_yes %= useful_dict
useful_no = '<a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/%(discussion)s/vote?ln=%(ln)s&amp;comid=%%(comid)s&amp;com_value=-1&amp;do=%(do)s&amp;ds=%(ds)s&amp;nb=%(nb)s&amp;p=%(p)s&amp;referer=%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/%(discussion)s/display">' + _("No") + '</a>'
useful_no %= useful_dict
warnings = self.tmpl_warnings(warnings, ln)
link_dic = { 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'module' : 'comments',
'function' : 'index',
'discussion': discussion,
'arguments' : 'do=%s&amp;ds=%s&amp;nb=%s' % (display_order, display_since, nb_per_page),
'arg_page' : '&amp;p=%s' % page,
'page' : page,
'rec_id' : recID}
## comments table
comments_rows = ''
for comment in comments:
if comment[c_nickname]:
_nickname = comment[c_nickname]
display = _nickname
(uid, _nickname, display) = get_user_info(comment[c_user_id])
messaging_link = self.create_messaging_link(_nickname, display, ln)
# do NOT delete the HTML comment below. It is used for parsing... (I plead unguilty!)
comments_rows += """
<!-- start comment row -->
if not reviews:
report_link = '%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/comments/report?ln=%(ln)s&amp;comid=%%(comid)s&amp;do=%(do)s&amp;ds=%(ds)s&amp;nb=%(nb)s&amp;p=%(p)s&amp;referer=%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/comments/display' % useful_dict % {'comid':comment[c_id]}
reply_link = '%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/comments/add?ln=%(ln)s&amp;action=REPLY&amp;comid=%%(comid)s' % useful_dict % {'comid':comment[c_id]}
comments_rows += self.tmpl_get_comment_without_ranking(ln, messaging_link, comment[c_date_creation], comment[c_body], reply_link, report_link)
report_link = '%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/reviews/report?ln=%(ln)s&amp;comid=%%(comid)s&amp;do=%(do)s&amp;ds=%(ds)s&amp;nb=%(nb)s&amp;p=%(p)s&amp;referer=%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/reviews/display' % useful_dict % {'comid': comment[c_id]}
comments_rows += self.tmpl_get_comment_with_ranking(ln, messaging_link, comment[c_date_creation], comment[c_body], comment[c_nb_votes_total], comment[c_nb_votes_yes], comment[c_star_score], comment[c_title])
helpful_label = _("Was this review helpful?")
report_abuse_label = "(" + _("Report abuse") + ")"
comments_rows += """
<td>%(helpful_label)s %(tab)s</td>
<td> %(yes)s </td>
<td> / </td>
<td> %(no)s </td>
<td class="reportabuse">%(tab)s%(tab)s<a href="%(report)s">%(report_abuse_label)s</a></td>
</table>""" \
% {'helpful_label': helpful_label,
'yes' : useful_yes % {'comid':comment[c_id]},
'no' : useful_no % {'comid':comment[c_id]},
'report' : report_link % {'comid':comment[c_id]},
'report_abuse_label': report_abuse_label,
'tab' : '&nbsp;'*2}
# do NOT remove HTML comment below. It is used for parsing...
comments_rows += """
<!-- end comment row -->"""
## page links
page_links = ''
# Previous
if page != 1:
link_dic['arg_page'] = 'p=%s' % (page - 1)
page_links += '<a href=\"%(siteurl)s/record/%(rec_id)s/%(discussion)s/%(function)s?%(arguments)s&amp;%(arg_page)s\">&lt;&lt;</a> ' % link_dic
page_links += ' %s ' % ('&nbsp;'*(len(_('Previous'))+7))
# Page Numbers
for i in range(1, nb_pages+1):
link_dic['arg_page'] = 'p=%s' % i
link_dic['page'] = '%s' % i
if i != page:
page_links += '''
<a href=\"%(siteurl)s/record/%(rec_id)s/%(discussion)s/%(function)s?%(arguments)s&amp;%(arg_page)s\">%(page)s</a> ''' % link_dic
page_links += ''' <b>%s</b> ''' % i
# Next
if page != nb_pages:
link_dic['arg_page'] = 'p=%s' % (page + 1)
page_links += '''
<a href=\"%(siteurl)s/record/%(rec_id)s/%(discussion)s/%(function)s?%(arguments)s&amp;%(arg_page)s\">&gt;&gt;</a> ''' % link_dic
page_links += '%s' % ('&nbsp;'*(len(_('Next'))+7))
## stuff for ranking if enabled
if reviews:
if avg_score > 0:
avg_score_img = 'stars-' + str(avg_score).split('.')[0] + '-' + str(avg_score).split('.')[1] + '.png'
avg_score_img = "stars-0-0.png"
ranking_average = '<br /><b>'
ranking_average += _("Average review score: %(x_nb_score)s based on %(x_nb_reviews)s reviews") % \
{'x_nb_score': '</b><img src="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/img/' + avg_score_img + '" alt="' + str(avg_score) + '" />',
'x_nb_reviews': str(total_nb_reviews)}
ranking_average += '<br />'
ranking_average = ""
write_button_link = '''%s/record/%s/%s/add''' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, discussion)
write_button_form = '<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%s"/>'
write_button_form = self.createhiddenform(action=write_button_link,
button = reviews and _('Write a review') or _('Write a comment'))
if reviews:
total_label = _("There is a total of %s reviews")
total_label = _("There is a total of %s comments")
total_label %= total_nb_comments
review_or_comment_first = ''
if reviews == 0 and total_nb_comments == 0:
review_or_comment_first = _("Start a discussion about any aspect of this document.")
elif reviews == 1 and total_nb_reviews == 0:
review_or_comment_first = _("Be the first to review this document.")
# do NOT remove the HTML comments below. Used for parsing
body = '''
<!-- start comments table -->
<table style="border: %(border)spx solid black; width: 95%%; margin:10px;font-size:small">
<!-- end comments table -->
<br />''' % \
{ 'record_label': _("Record"),
'back_label': _("Back to search results"),
'total_label': total_label,
'write_button_form' : write_button_form,
'write_button_form_again' : total_nb_comments>3 and write_button_form or "",
'comments_rows' : comments_rows,
'total_nb_comments' : total_nb_comments,
'comments_or_reviews' : reviews and _('review') or _('comment'),
'comments_or_reviews_title' : reviews and _('Review') or _('Comment'),
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'module' : "comments",
'recid' : recID,
'ln' : ln,
'border' : border,
'ranking_avg' : ranking_average,
'comments_and_review_tabs' : CFG_WEBCOMMENT_ALLOW_REVIEWS and \
'%s | %s <br />' % \
(comments_link, reviews_link) or '',
'review_or_comment_first' : review_or_comment_first
# form is not currently used. reserved for an eventual purpose
#form = """
# Display <select name="nb" size="1"> per page
# <option value="all">All</option>
# <option value="10">10</option>
# <option value="25">20</option>
# <option value="50">50</option>
# <option value="100" selected="selected">100</option>
# </select>
# comments per page that are <select name="ds" size="1">
# <option value="all" selected="selected">Any age</option>
# <option value="1d">1 day old</option>
# <option value="3d">3 days old</option>
# <option value="1w">1 week old</option>
# <option value="2w">2 weeks old</option>
# <option value="1m">1 month old</option>
# <option value="3m">3 months old</option>
# <option value="6m">6 months old</option>
# <option value="1y">1 year old</option>
# </select>
# and sorted by <select name="do" size="1">
# <option value="od" selected="selected">Oldest first</option>
# <option value="nd">Newest first</option>
# %s
# </select>
# """ % \
# (reviews==1 and '''
# <option value=\"hh\">most helpful</option>
# <option value=\"lh\">least helpful</option>
# <option value=\"hs\">highest star ranking</option>
# <option value=\"ls\">lowest star ranking</option>
# </select>''' or '''
# </select>''')
#form_link = "%(siteurl)s/%(module)s/%(function)s" % link_dic
#form = self.createhiddenform(action=form_link, method="get", text=form, button='Go', recid=recID, p=1)
pages = """
%(v_label)s %(comments_or_reviews)s %(results_nb_lower)s-%(results_nb_higher)s <br />
""" % \
{'v_label': _("Viewing"),
'page_links': _("Page:") + page_links ,
'comments_or_reviews': reviews and _('review') or _('comment'),
'results_nb_lower': len(comments)>0 and ((page-1) * nb_per_page)+1 or 0,
'results_nb_higher': page == nb_pages and (((page-1) * nb_per_page) + len(comments)) or (page * nb_per_page)}
if nb_pages > 1:
#body = warnings + body + form + pages
body = warnings + body + pages + add_comment_or_review
body = warnings + body + add_comment_or_review
return '<div style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;">' + body + '</div>'
def create_messaging_link(self, to, display_name, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""prints a link to the messaging system"""
link = "%s/yourmessages/write?msg_to=%s&amp;ln=%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, to, ln)
if to:
return '<a href="%s" class="maillink">%s</a>' % (link, display_name)
return display_name
def createhiddenform(self, action="", method="get", text="", button="confirm", cnfrm='', **hidden):
create select with hidden values and submit button
@param action: name of the action to perform on submit
@param method: 'get' or 'post'
@param text: additional text, can also be used to add non hidden input
@param button: value/caption on the submit button
@param cnfrm: if given, must check checkbox to confirm
@param **hidden: dictionary with name=value pairs for hidden input
@return html form
output = """
<form action="%s" method="%s">""" % (action, method.lower().strip() in ['get','post'] and method or 'get')
output += """
<table style="width:90%">
<td style="vertical-align: top">
output += text + '\n'
if cnfrm:
output += """
<input type="checkbox" name="confirm" value="1" />"""
for key in hidden.keys():
if type(hidden[key]) is list:
for value in hidden[key]:
output += """
<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />""" % (key, value)
output += """
<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />""" % (key, hidden[key])
output += """
output += """
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%s" />""" % (button, )
output += """
return output
def tmpl_warnings(self, warnings, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
Prepare the warnings list
@param warnings: list of warning tuples (warning_msg, arg1, arg2, etc)
@return html string of warnings
green_text_warnings = ['WRN_WEBCOMMENT_FEEDBACK_RECORDED']
from invenio.errorlib import get_msgs_for_code_list
span_class = 'important'
out = ""
if type(warnings) is not list:
warnings = [warnings]
if len(warnings) > 0:
warnings_parsed = get_msgs_for_code_list(warnings, 'warning', ln)
for (warning_code, warning_text) in warnings_parsed:
if not warning_code.startswith('WRN'):
#display only warnings that begin with WRN to user
if warning_code in red_text_warnings:
span_class = 'important'
elif warning_code in green_text_warnings:
span_class = 'exampleleader'
span_class = 'important'
out += '''
<span class="%(span_class)s">%(warning)s</span><br />''' % \
{ 'span_class' : span_class,
'warning' : warning_text }
return out
return ""
def tmpl_add_comment_form(self, recID, uid, nickname, ln, msg, warnings):
Add form for comments
@param recID: record id
@param uid: user id
@param ln: language
@param msg: comment body contents for when refreshing due to warning
@param warnings: list of warning tuples (warning_msg, color)
@return html add comment form
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
link_dic = { 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'module' : 'comments',
'function' : 'add',
'arguments' : 'ln=%s&amp;action=%s' % (ln, 'SUBMIT'),
'recID' : recID}
# FIXME a cleaner handling of nicknames is needed.
if not nickname:
(uid, nickname, display) = get_user_info(uid)
if nickname:
note = _("Note: Your nickname, %s, will be displayed as author of this comment") % ('<i>' + nickname + '</i>')
(uid, nickname, display) = get_user_info(uid)
link = '<a href="%s/youraccount/edit">' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL
note = _("Note: you have not %(x_url_open)sdefined your nickname%(x_url_close)s. %(x_nickname)s will be displayed as the author of this comment.") % \
{'x_url_open': link,
'x_url_close': '</a>',
'x_nickname': ' <br /><i>' + display + '</i>'}
#from invenio.search_engine import print_record
#record_details = print_record(recID=recID, format='hb', ln=ln)
warnings = self.tmpl_warnings(warnings, ln)
form = """<div><h2>%(add_comment)s</h2>
<textarea name="msg" cols="80" rows="20" style="width:90%%">%(msg)s</textarea>
<br />
<span class="reportabuse">%(note)s</span>
""" % {'msg': msg,
'note': note,
#'record': record_details,
'record_label': _("Article") + ":",
'comment_label': _("Comment") + ":",
'add_comment': _('Add comment')}
form_link = "%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/comments/%(function)s?%(arguments)s" % link_dic
form = self.createhiddenform(action=form_link, method="post", text=form, button='Add comment')
return warnings + form
def tmpl_add_comment_form_with_ranking(self, recID, uid, nickname, ln, msg, score, note,
warnings, show_title_p=False):
Add form for reviews
@param recID: record id
@param uid: user id
@param ln: language
@param msg: comment body contents for when refreshing due to warning
@param score: review score
@param note: review title
@param warnings: list of warning tuples (warning_msg, color)
@param show_title_p: if True, prefix the form with "Add Review" as title
@return html add review form
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
link_dic = { 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'module' : 'comments',
'function' : 'add',
'arguments' : 'ln=%s&amp;action=%s' % (ln, 'SUBMIT'),
'recID' : recID}
warnings = self.tmpl_warnings(warnings, ln)
#from search_engine import print_record
#record_details = print_record(recID=recID, format='hb', ln=ln)
if nickname:
note_label = _("Note: Your nickname, %s, will be displayed as the author of this review.")
note_label %= ('<i>' + nickname + '</i>')
(uid, nickname, display) = get_user_info(uid)
link = '<a href="%s/youraccount/edit">' % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL
note_label = _("Note: you have not %(x_url_open)sdefined your nickname%(x_url_close)s. %(x_nickname)s will be displayed as the author of this comment.") % \
{'x_url_open': link,
'x_url_close': '</a>',
'x_nickname': ' <br /><i>' + display + '</i>'}
selected0 = ''
selected1 = ''
selected2 = ''
selected3 = ''
selected4 = ''
selected5 = ''
if score == 0:
selected0 = ' selected="selected"'
elif score == 1:
selected1 = ' selected="selected"'
elif score == 2:
selected2 = ' selected="selected"'
elif score == 3:
selected3 = ' selected="selected"'
elif score == 4:
selected4 = ' selected="selected"'
elif score == 5:
selected5 = ' selected="selected"'
form = """%(add_review)s
<table style="width: 100%%">
<td style="padding-bottom: 10px;">%(rate_label)s:
<select name=\"score\" size=\"1\">
<option value=\"0\"%(selected0)s>-%(select_label)s-</option>
<option value=\"5\"%(selected5)s>***** (best)</option>
<option value=\"4\"%(selected4)s>****</option>
<option value=\"3\"%(selected3)s>***</option>
<option value=\"2\"%(selected2)s>**</option>
<option value=\"1\"%(selected1)s>* (worst)</option>
<td style="padding-bottom: 10px;">
<input type="text" name="note" maxlength="250" style="width:90%%" value="%(note)s" />
<textarea name="msg" cols="80" rows="20" style="width:90%%">%(msg)s</textarea>
<td class="reportabuse">%(note_label)s</td></tr>
""" % {'article_label': _('Article'),
'rate_label': _("Rate this article"),
'select_label': _("Select a score"),
'title_label': _("Give a title to your review"),
'write_label': _("Write your review"),
'note_label': note_label,
'note' : note!='' and note or "",
'msg' : msg!='' and msg or "",
#'record' : record_details
'add_review': show_title_p and ('<h2>'+_('Add review')+'</h2>') or '',
'selected0': selected0,
'selected1': selected1,
'selected2': selected2,
'selected3': selected3,
'selected4': selected4,
'selected5': selected5
form_link = "%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/reviews/%(function)s?%(arguments)s" % link_dic
form = self.createhiddenform(action=form_link, method="post", text=form, button=_('Add Review'))
return warnings + form
def tmpl_add_comment_successful(self, recID, ln, reviews, warnings):
@param recID: record id
@param ln: language
@return html page of successfully added comment/review
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
link_dic = { 'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'module' : 'comments',
'function' : 'display',
'arguments' : 'ln=%s&amp;do=od' % ln,
'recID' : recID,
'discussion': reviews==1 and 'reviews' or 'comments'}
link = "%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/%(discussion)s/%(function)s?%(arguments)s" % link_dic
if warnings:
out = self.tmpl_warnings(warnings, ln) + '<br /><br />'
if reviews:
out = _("Your review was successfully added.") + '<br /><br />'
out = _("Your comment was successfully added.") + '<br /><br />'
out += '<a href="%s">' % link
out += _('Back to record') + '</a>'
return out
def tmpl_create_multiple_actions_form(self,
""" Creates an HTML form with a multiple choice of actions and a button to select it.
@param form_action: link to the receiver of the formular
@param form_name: name of the HTML formular
@param method: either 'GET' or 'POST'
@param action_display: dictionary of actions.
action is HTML name (name of action)
display is the string provided in the popup
@param action_field_name: html name of action field
@param button_label: what's written on the button
@param button_name: html name of the button
@param content: what's inside te formular
@param **hidden: dictionary of name/value pairs of hidden fields.
output = """
<form action="%s" method="%s">""" % (form_action, method)
output += """
<td style="vertical-align: top" colspan="2">
output += content + '\n'
for key in hidden.keys():
if type(hidden[key]) is list:
for value in hidden[key]:
output += """
<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />""" % (key, value)
output += """
<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />""" % (key, hidden[key])
output += """
<td style="text-align:right;">"""
if type(action_display) is dict and len(action_display.keys()):
output += """
<select name="%s">""" % action_field_name
for (key, value) in action_display.items():
output += """
<option value="%s">%s</option>""" % (key, value)
output += """
output += """
<td style="text-align:left;">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%s" name="%s"/>""" % (button_label, button_name)
output += """
return output
def tmpl_admin_index(self, ln):
Index page
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = '<ol>'
out += '<li><a href="%(siteurl)s/admin/webcomment/;reviews=0">%(reported_cmt_label)s</a></li>' % \
{'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln': ln, 'reported_cmt_label': _("View all reported comments")}
out += '<li><a href="%(siteurl)s/admin/webcomment/;reviews=1">%(reported_rev_label)s</a></li>' % \
{'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL, 'ln': ln, 'reported_rev_label': _("View all reported reviews")}
out += """
<li><a href="%(siteurl)s/admin/webcomment/;comid=-1">%(delete_label)s</a></li>
<li><a href="%(siteurl)s/admin/webcomment/">%(view_users)s</a></li>
<li><a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/webcomment-admin-guide">%(guide)s</a></li>
""" % {'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'delete_label': _("Delete a specific comment/review (by ID)"),
'view_users': _("View all users who have been reported"),
'ln' : ln,
'guide' : _("Guide")}
out += _("Comments and reviews are disabled") + '<br />'
out += '</ol>'
from invenio.bibrankadminlib import addadminbox
return addadminbox('<b>%s</b>'%_("Menu"), [out])
def tmpl_admin_delete_form(self, ln, warnings):
@param warnings: list of warning_tuples where warning_tuple is (warning_message, text_color)
see tmpl_warnings, color is optional
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
warnings = self.tmpl_warnings(warnings, ln)
out = '''
<br />
%s<br />
<br />'''%_("Please enter the ID of the comment/review so that you can view it before deciding whether to delete it or not")
form = '''
<td><input type=text name="comid" size="10" maxlength="10" value="" /></td>
<td><br /></td>
<br />
''' %_("Comment ID:")
form_link = "%s/admin/webcomment/" % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln)
form = self.createhiddenform(action=form_link, method="get", text=form, button=_('View Comment'))
return warnings + out + form
def tmpl_admin_users(self, ln, users_data):
@param users_data: tuple of ct, i.e. (ct, ct, ...)
where ct is a tuple (total_number_reported, total_comments_reported, total_reviews_reported, total_nb_votes_yes_of_reported,
total_nb_votes_total_of_reported, user_id, user_email, user_nickname)
sorted by order of ct having highest total_number_reported
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
u_reports = 0
u_comment_reports = 1
u_reviews_reports = 2
u_nb_votes_yes = 3
u_nb_votes_total = 4
u_uid = 5
u_email = 6
u_nickname = 7
if not users_data:
return self.tmpl_warnings([(_("There have been no reports so far."), 'green')])
user_rows = ""
for utuple in users_data:
com_label = _("View all %s reported comments") % utuple[u_comment_reports]
com_link = '''<a href="%s/admin/webcomment/;uid=%s&amp;reviews=0">%s</a><br />''' % \
(CFG_SITE_URL, ln, utuple[u_uid], com_label)
rev_label = _("View all %s reported reviews") % utuple[u_reviews_reports]
rev_link = '''<a href="%s/admin/webcomment/;uid=%s&amp;reviews=1">%s</a>''' % \
(CFG_SITE_URL, ln, utuple[u_uid], rev_label)
if not utuple[u_nickname]:
user_info = get_user_info(utuple[u_uid])
nickname = user_info[2]
nickname = utuple[u_nickname]
review_row = """
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>"""
review_row %= (utuple[u_nb_votes_yes],
utuple[u_nb_votes_total] - utuple[u_nb_votes_yes],
review_row = ''
user_rows += """
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%(nickname)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%(email)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%(uid)s</td>%(review_row)s
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray; font-weight: bold;">%(reports)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%(com_link)s%(rev_link)s</td>
</tr>""" % { 'nickname' : nickname,
'email' : utuple[u_email],
'uid' : utuple[u_uid],
'reports' : utuple[u_reports],
'review_row': review_row,
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'ln' : ln,
'com_link' : CFG_WEBCOMMENT_ALLOW_COMMENTS and com_link or "",
'rev_link' : CFG_WEBCOMMENT_ALLOW_REVIEWS and rev_link or ""
out = "<br />"
out += _("Here is a list, sorted by total number of reports, of all users who have had a comment reported at least once.")
out += """
<br />
<br />
<table class="admin_wvar" style="width: 100%%;">
<tr class="adminheaderleft">
out += _("Nickname") + '</th>\n'
out += '<th>' + _("Email") + '</th>\n'
out += '<th>' + _("User ID") + '</th>\n'
out += '<th>' + _("Number positive votes") + '</th>\n'
out += '<th>' + _("Number negative votes") + '</th>\n'
out += '<th>' + _("Total number votes") + '</th>\n'
out += '<th>' + _("Total number of reports") + '</th>\n'
out += '<th>' + _("View all user's reported comments/reviews") + '</th>\n'
out += """
""" % user_rows
return out
def tmpl_admin_select_comment_checkbox(self, cmt_id):
""" outputs a checkbox named "comidXX" where XX is cmt_id """
return '<input type="checkbox" name="comid%i" />' % int(cmt_id)
def tmpl_admin_user_info(self, ln, nickname, uid, email):
""" prepares informations about a user"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
%(nickname_label)s: %(messaging)s<br />
%(uid_label)s: %(uid)i<br />
%(email_label)s: <a href="mailto:%(email)s">%(email)s</a>"""
out %= {'nickname_label': _("Nickname"),
'messaging': self.create_messaging_link(uid, nickname, ln),
'uid_label': _("User ID"),
'uid': int(uid),
'email_label': _("Email"),
'email': email}
return out
def tmpl_admin_review_info(self, ln, reviews, nb_reports, cmt_id, rec_id):
""" outputs information about a review """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if reviews:
reported_label = _("This review has been reported %i times")
reported_label = _("This comment has been reported %i times")
reported_label %= int(nb_reports)
out = """
%(reported_label)s<br />
<a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(rec_id)i?ln=%(ln)s">%(rec_id_label)s</a><br />
out %= {'reported_label': reported_label,
'rec_id_label': _("Record") + ' #' + str(rec_id),
'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL,
'rec_id': int(rec_id),
'cmt_id_label': _("Comment") + ' #' + str(cmt_id),
'ln': ln}
return out
def tmpl_admin_comments(self, ln, uid, comID, comment_data, reviews):
@param comment_data: same type of tuple as that
which is returned by i.e.
tuple of comment where comment is
tuple (nickname,
id) if ranking disabled or
tuple (nickname,
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
comments = []
comments_info = []
checkboxes = []
users = []
for (cmt_tuple, meta_data) in comment_data:
if reviews:
None, #reply_link
None)) #report_link
meta_data[0], #nickname
meta_data[1], #uid
meta_data[5], # nb abuse reports
meta_data[3], # cmt_id
meta_data[4]))# rec_id
form_link = "%s/admin/webcomment/" % (CFG_SITE_URL, ln)
out = """
<table class="admin_wvar" style="width:100%%;">
<tr class="adminheaderleft">
<tbody>""" % {'review_label': reviews and _("Review") or _("Comment"),
'written_by_label': _("Written by"),
'review_info_label': _("General informations"),
'select_label': _("Select")}
for i in range (0, len(comments)):
out += """
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
<td class="admintd" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
</tr>""" % (comments[i], users[i], comments_info[i], checkboxes[i])
out += """
if reviews:
action_display = {
'delete': _('Delete selected reviews'),
'unreport': _('Suppress selected abuse report')
action_display = {
'delete': _('Delete selected comments'),
'unreport': _('Suppress selected abuse report')
form = self.tmpl_create_multiple_actions_form(form_name="admin_comment",
if uid > 0:
header = '<br />'
if reviews:
header += _("Here are the reported reviews of user %s") % uid
header += _("Here are the reported comments of user %s") % uid
header += '<br /><br />'
if comID > 0:
header = '<br />' +_("Here is comment/review %s")% comID + '<br /><br />'
if uid > 0 and comID > 0:
header = '<br />' + _("Here is comment/review %(x_cmtID)s written by user %(x_user)s") % {'x_cmtID': comID, 'x_user': uid}
header += '<br/ ><br />'
if uid == 0 and comID == 0:
header = '<br />'
if reviews:
header += _("Here are all reported reviews sorted by the most reported")
header += _("Here are all reported comments sorted by the most reported")
header += "<br /><br />"
return header + form
def tmpl_admin_del_com(self, del_res, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
@param del_res: list of the following tuple (comment_id, was_successfully_deleted),
was_successfully_deleted is boolean (0=false, >0=true
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
table_rows = ''
for deltuple in del_res:
table_rows += """
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
</tr>""" % (deltuple[0], deltuple[1]>0 and _("Yes") or "<span class=\"important\">" +_("No") + "</span>")
out = """
<table class="admin_wvar">
<tr class="adminheaderleft">
<td style="padding-right:10px;">%s</td>
<table>""" % (_("comment ID"), _("successfully deleted"), table_rows)
return out
def tmpl_admin_suppress_abuse_report(self, del_res, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
@param del_res: list of the following tuple (comment_id, was_successfully_deleted),
was_successfully_deleted is boolean (0=false, >0=true
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
table_rows = ''
for deltuple in del_res:
table_rows += """
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
<td class="admintdleft" style="padding: 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;">%s</td>
</tr>""" % (deltuple[0], deltuple[1]>0 and _("Yes") or "<span class=\"important\">" +_("No") + "</span>")
out = """
<table class="admin_wvar">
<tr class="adminheaderleft">
<td style ="padding-right: 10px;">%s</td>
<table>""" % (_("comment ID"), _("successfully suppressed abuse report"), table_rows)
return out
def tmpl_mini_review(self, recID, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, action='SUBMIT',
avg_score=0, nb_comments_total=0):
"""Display the mini version of reviews (only the grading part)"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
url = '%s/record/%s/reviews/add?ln=%s&amp;action=%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recID, ln, action)
if avg_score > 0:
score = _("Average review score: %(x_nb_score)s based on %(x_nb_reviews)s reviews") % \
{'x_nb_score': '<b>%.1f</b>' % avg_score,
'x_nb_reviews': nb_comments_total}
score = '(' +_("Not yet reviewed") + ')'
if avg_score == 5:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', 'full', 'full', 'full', 'full'
elif avg_score >= 4.5:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', 'full', 'full', 'full', 'half'
elif avg_score >= 4:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', 'full', 'full', 'full', ''
elif avg_score >= 3.5:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', 'full', 'full', 'half', ''
elif avg_score >= 3:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', 'full', 'full', '', ''
elif avg_score >= 2.5:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', 'full', 'half', '', ''
elif avg_score >= 2:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', 'full', '', '', ''
elif avg_score >= 1.5:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', 'half', '', '', ''
elif avg_score == 1:
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = 'full', '', '', '', ''
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = '', '', '', '', ''
out = '''
<small class="detailedRecordActions">%(rate)s:</small><br /><br />
<div style="margin:auto;width:160px;">
<span style="display:none;">Rate this document:</span>
<div class="star %(s1)s" ><a href="%(url)s&amp;score=1">1</a>
<div class="star %(s2)s" ><a href="%(url)s&amp;score=2">2</a>
<div class="star %(s3)s" ><a href="%(url)s&amp;score=3">3</a>
<div class="star %(s4)s" ><a href="%(url)s&amp;score=4">4</a>
<div class="star %(s5)s" ><a href="%(url)s&amp;score=5">5</a></div></div></div></div></div>
<div style="clear:both">&nbsp;</div>
''' % {'url': url,
'score': score,
'rate': _("Rate this document"),
's1': s1,
's2': s2,
's3': s3,
's4': s4,
's5': s5
return out

Event Timeline