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* Execute HTTP requests with a future-oriented API. For example:
* $future = new HTTPFuture('');
* list($status, $body, $headers) = $future->resolve();
* This is an abstract base class which defines the API that HTTP futures
* conform to. Concrete implementations are available in @{class:HTTPFuture}
* and @{class:HTTPSFuture}. All futures return a <status, body, header> tuple
* when resolved; status is an object of class @{class:HTTPFutureResponseStatus}
* and may represent any of a wide variety of errors in the transport layer,
* a support library, or the actual HTTP exchange.
* @task create Creating a New Request
* @task config Configuring the Request
* @task resolve Resolving the Request
* @task internal Internals
* @group futures
abstract class BaseHTTPFuture extends Future {
private $method = 'GET';
private $timeout = 300.0;
private $headers = array();
private $uri;
private $data;
private $expect;
/* -( Creating a New Request )--------------------------------------------- */
* Build a new future which will make an HTTP request to a given URI, with
* some optional data payload. Since this class is abstract you can't actually
* instantiate it; instead, build a new @{class:HTTPFuture} or
* @{class:HTTPSFuture}.
* @param string Fully-qualified URI to send a request to.
* @param mixed String or array to include in the request. Strings will be
* transmitted raw; arrays will be encoded and sent as
* 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
* @task create
final public function __construct($uri, $data = array()) {
/* -( Configuring the Request )-------------------------------------------- */
* Set a timeout for the service call. If the request hasn't resolved yet,
* the future will resolve with a status that indicates the request timed
* out. You can determine if a status is a timeout status by calling
* isTimeout() on the status object.
* @param float Maximum timeout, in seconds.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setTimeout($timeout) {
$this->timeout = $timeout;
return $this;
* Get the currently configured timeout.
* @return float Maximum number of seconds the request will execute for.
* @task config
public function getTimeout() {
return $this->timeout;
* Select the HTTP method (e.g., "GET", "POST", "PUT") to use for the request.
* By default, requests use "GET".
* @param string HTTP method name.
* @return this
* @task config
final public function setMethod($method) {
static $supported_methods = array(
'GET' => true,
'POST' => true,
'PUT' => true,
'DELETE' => true,
if (empty($supported_methods[$method])) {
$method_list = implode(', ', array_keys($supported_methods));
throw new Exception(
"The HTTP method '{$method}' is not supported. Supported HTTP methods ".
"are: {$method_list}.");
$this->method = $method;
return $this;
* Get the HTTP method the request will use.
* @return string HTTP method name, like "GET".
* @task config
final public function getMethod() {
return $this->method;
* Set the URI to send the request to. Note that this is also a constructor
* parameter.
* @param string URI to send the request to.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setURI($uri) {
$this->uri = (string)$uri;
return $this;
* Get the fully-qualified URI the request will be made to.
* @return string URI the request will be sent to.
* @task config
public function getURI() {
return $this->uri;
* Provide data to send along with the request. Note that this is also a
* constructor parameter; it may be more convenient to provide it there. Data
* must be a string (in which case it will be sent raw) or an array (in which
* case it will be encoded and sent as 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded').
* @param mixed Data to send with the request.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setData($data) {
if (!is_string($data) && !is_array($data)) {
throw new Exception('Data parameter must be an array or string.');
$this->data = $data;
return $this;
* Get the data which will be sent with the request.
* @return mixed Data which will be sent.
* @task config
public function getData() {
return $this->data;
* Add an HTTP header to the request. The same header name can be specified
* more than once, which will cause multiple headers to be sent.
* @param string Header name, like "Accept-Language".
* @param string Header value, like "en-us".
* @return this
* @task config
public function addHeader($name, $value) {
$this->headers[] = array($name, $value);
return $this;
* Get headers which will be sent with the request. Optionally, you can
* provide a filter, which will return only headers with that name. For
* example:
* $all_headers = $future->getHeaders();
* $just_user_agent = $future->getHeaders('User-Agent');
* In either case, an array with all (or all matching) headers is returned.
* @param string|null Optional filter, which selects only headers with that
* name if provided.
* @return array List of all (or all matching) headers.
* @task config
public function getHeaders($filter = null) {
$filter = strtolower($filter);
$result = array();
foreach ($this->headers as $header) {
list($name, $value) = $header;
if (!$filter || ($filter == strtolower($name))) {
$result[] = $header;
return $result;
* Set the status codes that are expected in the response.
* If set, isError on the status object will return true for status codes
* that are not in the input array. Otherise, isError will be true for any
* HTTP status code outside the 2xx range (notwithstanding other errors such
* as connection or transport issues).
* @param array|null List of expected HTTP status codes.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setExpectStatus($status_codes) {
$this->expect = $status_codes;
return $this;
* Return list of expected status codes, or null if not set.
* @return array|null List of expected status codes.
public function getExpectStatus() {
return $this->expect;
* Add a HTTP basic authentication header to the request.
* @param string Username to authenticate with.
* @param PhutilOpaqueEnvelope Password to authenticate with.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setHTTPBasicAuthCredentials(
PhutilOpaqueEnvelope $password) {
$password_plaintext = $password->openEnvelope();
$credentials = base64_encode($username.':'.$password_plaintext);
return $this->addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic '.$credentials);
/* -( Resolving the Request )---------------------------------------------- */
* Exception-oriented resolve(). Throws if the status indicates an error
* occurred.
* @return tuple HTTP request result <body, headers> tuple.
* @task resolve
final public function resolvex() {
$result = $this->resolve();
list($status, $body, $headers) = $result;
if ($status->isError()) {
throw $status;
return array($body, $headers);
/* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Parse a raw HTTP response into a <status, body, headers> tuple.
* @param string Raw HTTP response.
* @return tuple Valid resolution tuple.
* @task internal
protected function parseRawHTTPResponse($raw_response) {
$rex_base = "@^(?P<head>.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(?P<body>.*)$@s";
$rex_head = "@^HTTP/\S+ (?P<code>\d+) (?P<status>.*?)".
// We need to parse one or more header blocks in case we got any
// "HTTP/1.X 100 Continue" nonsense back as part of the response. This
// happens with HTTPS requests, at the least.
$response = $raw_response;
while (true) {
$matches = null;
if (!preg_match($rex_base, $response, $matches)) {
return $this->buildMalformedResult($raw_response);
$head = $matches['head'];
$body = $matches['body'];
if (!preg_match($rex_head, $head, $matches)) {
return $this->buildMalformedResult($raw_response);
$response_code = (int)$matches['code'];
$response_status = strtolower($matches['status']);
if ($response_code == 100) {
// This is HTTP/1.X 100 Continue, so this whole chunk is moot.
$response = $body;
} else if (($response_code == 200) &&
($response_status == 'connection established')) {
// When tunneling through an HTTPS proxy, we get an initial header
// block like "HTTP/1.X 200 Connection established", then newlines,
// then the normal response. Drop this chunk.
$response = $body;
} else {
$headers = $this->parseHeaders(idx($matches, 'headers'));
$status = new HTTPFutureResponseStatusHTTP(
return array($status, $body, $headers);
* Parse an HTTP header block.
* @param string Raw HTTP headers.
* @return list List of HTTP header tuples.
* @task internal
protected function parseHeaders($head_raw) {
$rex_header = '@^(?P<name>.*?):\s*(?P<value>.*)$@';
$headers = array();
if (!$head_raw) {
return $headers;
$headers_raw = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $head_raw);
foreach ($headers_raw as $header) {
$m = null;
if (preg_match($rex_header, $header, $m)) {
$headers[] = array($m['name'], $m['value']);
} else {
$headers[] = array($header, null);
return $headers;
* Find value of the first header with given name.
* @param list List of headers from `resolve()`.
* @param string Case insensitive header name.
* @return string Value of the header or null if not found.
* @task resolve
public static function getHeader(array $headers, $search) {
assert_instances_of($headers, 'array');
foreach ($headers as $header) {
list($name, $value) = $header;
if (strcasecmp($name, $search) == 0) {
return $value;
return null;
* Build a result tuple indicating a parse error resulting from a malformed
* HTTP response.
* @return tuple Valid resolution tuple.
* @task internal
protected function buildMalformedResult($raw_response) {
$body = null;
$headers = array();
$status = new HTTPFutureResponseStatusParse(
return array($status, $body, $headers);

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