* \brief Container that creates a Kokkos view with rank determined at runtime.
* Essentially this is a rank 7 view that wraps the access operators
* to yield the functionality of a view
* Changes from View
* 1. The rank of the DynRankView is returned by the method rank()
* 2. Max rank of a DynRankView is 7
* 3. subview name is subdynrankview
* 4. Every subdynrankview is returned with LayoutStride
* NEW: Redesigned DynRankView
* 5. subview function name now available
* 6. Copy and Copy-Assign View to DynRankView
* 7. deep_copy between Views and DynRankViews
* 8. rank( view ); returns the rank of View or DynRankView
template< class > struct is_dyn_rank_view : public std::false_type {};
template< class D, class ... P >
struct is_dyn_rank_view< Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<D,P...> > : public std::true_type {};
template< typename DataType , class ... Properties >
class DynRankView : public ViewTraits< DataType , Properties ... >
static_assert( !std::is_array<DataType>::value && !std::is_pointer<DataType>::value , "Cannot template DynRankView with array or pointer datatype - must be pod" );
template < class , class ... > friend class DynRankView ;
// template < class , class ... > friend class Kokkos::Experimental::View ; //unnecessary now...
template < class , class ... > friend class Impl::ViewMapping ;
constexpr unsigned rank( const DynRankView<D , P...> & DRV ) { return DRV.rank(); } //needed for transition to common constexpr method in view and dynrankview to return rank