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Thu, Mar 13, 09:55


%\setbeameroption{show only notes}\def\logoEPFL{}
\setbeameroption{show notes}
\intertitle{digital vs analog communications}
%% Data transmission and noise amplification
\def\tempFun{x 31 div 180 mul dup 1.1 mul cos 1 add 2 div exch 4 mul sin 0.1 mul add 10 mul x 20 div add 1.4 div 5 sub }
\def\atten{10 div }
\def\noise{rand 2147483647 div 0.5 sub 0.2 mul add }
\def\ampli{10 mul }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Data transmission}
TX~~ & \BDfilter{channel} & ~~RX
\begin{frame} \frametitle{What happens to analog signals}
$x(t)$~~ & & \BDadd & ~~$\hat{x}(t)$ \\
& & \raisebox{-1.2em}{$\sigma(t)$}
$\hat{x}(t) = x(t)/G + \sigma(t)$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{What happens to analog signals}
\only<2>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten}}
\only<3>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten \noise}}
\only<3>{$x(t)/G + \sigma(t)$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{We can amplify to compensate attenuation}
$x(t)$~~ & & \BDadd & ~~$\hat{x}_1(t)$ \\
& & \raisebox{-1.2em}{$\sigma(t)$}
but: $\hat{x}_1(t) = x(t) + {\color{red}G}\sigma(t)$
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Transmission of analog signals}
\only<1>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten \noise}}
\only<2>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten \noise \ampli}}
\only<1>{$x(t)/G + \sigma(t)$}
\only<2>{$\hat{x}_1(t) = G[x(t)/G + \sigma(t)] = x(t) + G\sigma(t)$}
%% Atlantic cables
%% Agamemnon
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Transmitting a signal overseas}
For a long, long channel we need repeaters
% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 \
$x(t)$~~ & \BDadd & ~$\hat{x}_1(t)$~ & \BDadd & ~$\ldots$~ & \BDadd & ~~$\hat{x}_N(t)$ \\
& \ns & & \ns & & \ns
$\hat{x}_N(t) = x(t) + NG\sigma(t)$
%%Here a slide about long distance communication and repeaters
% \frametitle{Long distance communication}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Transoceanic cable:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Cable too long for single transmission
% \item Necessary to have repeaters
% \end{itemize}
% \pause
% \item Block diagram
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Single line with loss of $\alpha$ and noise $\sigma^2$
% \item $N$ pieces with loss of $\alpha/N$ and noise $\sigma^2/N$ (?)
% \item Amplifiers at relays
% \end{itemize}
% \end{itemize}
%% Noise amplification
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Transmission of analog signals}
\only<2>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten \noise}}
\only<3>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten \noise \ampli}}
\only<4>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten \noise \ampli \atten \noise}}
\only<5>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten \noise \ampli \atten \noise \ampli}}
\only<6>{\dspFunc{\tempFun \atten \noise \ampli \atten \noise \ampli \atten \noise \ampli \atten \noise \ampli \atten \noise \ampli \atten \noise \ampli}}
\only<2>{$x(t)/G + \sigma(t)$}
\only<3>{$\hat{x}_1(t) = G[x(t)/G + \sigma(t)] = x(t) + G\sigma(t)$}
\only<4>{$\hat{x}_1(t)/G + \sigma(t)$}
\only<5>{$\hat{x}_2(t) = G[\hat{x}_1(t)/G + \sigma(t)] = x(t) + 2G\sigma(t)$}
\only<6>{$\hat{x}_N(t) = x(t) + NG\sigma(t)$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{In digital signals we can threshold}
$x(t)$~~ & & \BDadd & \BDfilter{$|\cdot|$} & ~~$\hat{x}_1(t)$ \\
& & \raisebox{-1.2em}{$\sigma(t)$}
$\hat{x}_1(t) = \mbox{sgn}[x(t) + G\sigma(t)]$
%% Rectification
\def\binFun{x 23 div cvi 2 mod -2 mul 1 add 5 mul }
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Transmission of quantized signals}
\only<2>{\dspFunc{\binFun \atten \noise}}
\only<3>{\dspFunc{\binFun \atten \noise \ampli}}
\only<2>{$x(t)/G + \sigma(t)$}
\only<3>{$G[x(t)/G + \sigma(t)] = x(t) + G\sigma(t)$}
\only<4>{$\hat{x}_1(t) = 5\,\mbox{sgn}[x(t) + G\sigma(t)]$}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Digital data throughputs}
\item Transatlantic cable:
\item 1866: 8 words per minute ($\approx$5 bps)
\item 1956: AT\&T, coax, 48 voice channels ($\approx$3Mbps)
\item 2005: Alcatel Tera10, fiber, 8.4 Tbps ($8.4\times 10^{12}$ bps)
\item 2012: fiber, 60 Tbps
\item Voiceband modems
\item 1950s: Bell 202, 1200 bps
\item 1990s: V90, 56Kbps
\item 2008: ADSL2+, 24Mbps
\cueCard{let's try this in Python...}

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