\begin{frame} \frametitle{DCT basis vectors for an $8\times 8$ image}
\note<1>{\vspace{10em} Stress the fact that the transform, as a change of basis, is the correlation between the image block under analysis and each of the basis vectors. The resulting coefficients are the weights that measure the contribution to the patch of each DCT pattern. Also mention that the 1st coeff is the average graylevel}
\item most coefficients are negligible $\rightarrow$ captured by the deadzone
\item some coefficients have a higher visual impact
\item find out the critical coefficients by experimentation
\item use smaller quantization intervals (i.e. use more more bits) for the important coefficients
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Advantages of tuned quantization intervals at 0.2bpp}
\note<1>{\vspace{10em} both images are encoded at the same bitrate of 0.2bpp, the first one with a uniform quantization table for each DCT block, the second with the JPEG (fixed) quantization table)}