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Thu, Mar 13, 11:43


import merge from 'lodash/merge';
import memoize from 'lodash/memoize';
import jss from './setupjss';
import * as theme from './theme';
* By default lodash/memoize only uses the first argument
* for cache rendering. It works well if the first prameter
* is enough.
* We are Hot Module Replacing (HMR) stylesheets.
* Therefore, we cannot cache stylesheet only by component.
* We need to add cssRevisions to the key fo when the css files update,
* the revision will update and we should update the stylesheet.
export default memoize(function (styles, config, componentName, cssRevision) {
var mergedTheme = merge({}, theme, config.theme);
var customStyles = typeof config.styles === 'function' ? config.styles(mergedTheme) : config.styles;
var mergedStyles = merge({}, styles(mergedTheme), customStyles && customStyles[componentName]);
return jss.createStyleSheet(mergedStyles, {
meta: componentName,
link: true
}, // calculate the cache key here
function (styles, config, componentName, cssRevision) {
return componentName + "_" + cssRevision;

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