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\chapter{Block diagrams index}
\begin{tabular}{ >{\raggedleft\arraybackslash} m{7cm} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash} m{7cm} }
& \BDadd & \\
\ncline{->}{1,1}{2,2} \ncline{->}{3,1}{2,2} \ncline{->}{2,2}{2,3}
& Multi-input to single-output addition\\ \\
& \BDmul & \\
\ncline{->}{1,1}{2,2} \ncline{->}{3,1}{2,2} \ncline{->}{2,2}{2,3}
& Multi-input to single-output multiplication\\ \\
& \BDsplit & \\
\ncline{->}{2,1}{2,2} \ncline{->}{2,2}{3,3} \ncline{->}{2,2}{1,3}
& Single-input to multi-output split\\ \\
& \BDsampler &
\ncline{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& Analog to digital sampler\\ \\
& \BDsinc[.45em] &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& Digital to analog sinc interpolator \\ \\
& \BDupsmp{N} &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& $N$-times upsampler\\ \\
& \BDdwsmp{N} &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& $N$-times downsampler (decimator)\\ \\
& \BDdelay &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& Delay block of 1 sample\\ \\
& \BDlowpass[.45em] &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& Lowpass filter\\ \\
& \BDbandpass &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& Bandpass filter\\ \\
& \BDabs &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& Absolute value rectifier\\ \\
& \BDclip[.45em] &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& 1-bit clipper into $\{-1,1\}$ \\ \\
& \BDfilter{$H(z)$} &
\ncline{->}{1,1}{1,2} \ncline{->}{1,2}{1,3}
& Arbitrary filter with transfer function $H(z)$\\ \\

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