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* @file projection_base.hh
* @author Till Junge <>
* @date 03 Dec 2017
* @brief Base class for Projection operators
* Copyright © 2017 Till Junge
* µSpectre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* µSpectre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with µSpectre; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
* with proprietary FFT implementations or numerical libraries, containing parts
* covered by the terms of those libraries' licenses, the licensors of this
* Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
#include "common/common.hh"
#include "common/field_collection.hh"
#include "common/field.hh"
#include "fft/fft_engine_base.hh"
#include <memory>
namespace muSpectre {
* base class for projection related exceptions
class ProjectionError: public std::runtime_error {
//! constructor
explicit ProjectionError(const std::string& what)
//! constructor
explicit ProjectionError(const char * what)
template<class Projection>
struct Projection_traits {
* defines the interface which must be implemented by projection operators
template <Dim_t DimS, Dim_t DimM>
class ProjectionBase
//! Eigen type to replace fields
using Vector_t = Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>;
//! type of fft_engine used
using FFTEngine = FFTEngineBase<DimS>;
//! reference to fft engine is safely managed through a `std::unique_ptr`
using FFTEngine_ptr = std::unique_ptr<FFTEngine>;
//! cell coordinates type
using Ccoord = typename FFTEngine::Ccoord;
//! spatial coordinates type
using Rcoord = Rcoord_t<DimS>;
//! global FieldCollection
using GFieldCollection_t = typename FFTEngine::GFieldCollection_t;
//! local FieldCollection (for Fourier-space pixels)
using LFieldCollection_t = typename FFTEngine::LFieldCollection_t;
//! Field type on which to apply the projection
using Field_t = TypedField<GFieldCollection_t, Real>;
* iterator over all pixels. This is taken from the FFT engine,
* because depending on the real-to-complex FFT employed, only
* roughly half of the pixels are present in Fourier space
* (because of the hermitian nature of the transform)
using iterator = typename FFTEngine::iterator;
//! Default constructor
ProjectionBase() = delete;
//! Constructor with cell sizes
ProjectionBase(FFTEngine_ptr engine, Rcoord domain_lengths, Formulation form);
//! Copy constructor
ProjectionBase(const ProjectionBase &other) = delete;
//! Move constructor
ProjectionBase(ProjectionBase &&other) = default;
//! Destructor
virtual ~ProjectionBase() = default;
//! Copy assignment operator
ProjectionBase& operator=(const ProjectionBase &other) = delete;
//! Move assignment operator
ProjectionBase& operator=(ProjectionBase &&other) = default;
//! initialises the fft engine (plan the transform)
virtual void initialise(FFT_PlanFlags flags = FFT_PlanFlags::estimate);
//! apply the projection operator to a field
virtual void apply_projection(Field_t & field) = 0;
//! returns the process-local resolutions of the cell
const Ccoord & get_subdomain_resolutions() const {
return this->fft_engine->get_subdomain_resolutions();}
//! returns the process-local locations of the cell
const Ccoord & get_subdomain_locations() const {
return this->fft_engine->get_subdomain_locations();}
//! returns the resolutions of the cell
const Ccoord & get_domain_resolutions() const {
return this->fft_engine->get_domain_resolutions();}
//! returns the physical sizes of the cell
const Rcoord & get_domain_lengths() const {return this->domain_lengths;}
* return the `muSpectre::Formulation` that is used in solving
* this cell. This allows tho check whether a projection is
* compatible with the chosen formulation
const Formulation & get_formulation() const {return this->form;}
//! return the raw projection operator. This is mainly intended
//! for maintenance and debugging and should never be required in
//! regular use
virtual Eigen::Map<Eigen::ArrayXXd> get_operator() = 0;
//! return the communicator object
const Communicator & get_communicator() const {
return this->fft_engine->get_communicator();
* returns the number of rows and cols for the strain matrix type
* (for full storage, the strain is stored in material_dim ×
* material_dim matrices, but in symmetriy storage, it is a column
* vector)
virtual std::array<Dim_t, 2> get_strain_shape() const = 0;
//! get number of components to project per pixel
virtual Dim_t get_nb_components() const {
return DimM*DimM;}
//! handle on the fft_engine used
FFTEngine_ptr fft_engine;
const Rcoord domain_lengths; //!< physical sizes of the cell
* formulation this projection can be applied to (determines
* whether the projection enforces gradients, small strain tensor
* or symmetric smal strain tensor
const Formulation form;
* A local `muSpectre::FieldCollection` to store the projection
* operator per k-space point. This is a local rather than a
* global collection, since the pixels considered depend on the
* FFT implementation. See
* for an example
LFieldCollection_t & projection_container{};
} // muSpectre
#endif /* PROJECTION_BASE_H */

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